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Temperature-dependent innate defense against the common cold virus limits viral replication at warm temperature in mouse airway cells. Foxman EF, Storer JA et al; PMID: 25561542

Vitamin C for preventing and treating the common cold. Harri Hemil, Elizabeth Chalker; 2013; Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group CD000980

Over-the-counter (OTC) medications for acute cough in children and adults in community settings. Susan M Smith, Knut Schroeder, Tom Fahey; 2014; Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group CD001831.

Garlic for the common cold. Elizabeth Lissiman, Alice L Bhasale, Marc Cohen, 2014; Cochrane Acute Respiratory Infections Group; CD006206.

American Thoracic Society for patients: How Do I Know If I Have a Cold?

Guidelines of European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology

Topical therapies in the management of chronic rhinosinusitis: an evidence-based review with recommendations. Rudmik L, Hoy M et al; 2013, PMID: 23044832

Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of mental disorders 5th.

Gardnerella vaginalis infection – another sexually transmitted disease. Hartmann AA, Elsner P; PMID: 6389437

Ureaplasma urealyticum intrauterine infection: role in prematurity and disease in newborns. G H Cassell, K B Waites et al; Clin Microbiol Rev. 1993 Jan; 6(1): 69–87.

Mycoplasmas and Ureaplasmas as Neonatal Pathogens. Ken B. Waites, Brenda Katz, and Robert L. Schelonka, 2005; Clin Microbiol Rev. 2005 Oct; 18(4): 757–789. doi: 10.1128/CMR.18.4.757–789.2005

Primary, secondary, and tertiary interventions to reduce the morbidity and mortality of preterm birth. Jay D Iams, Roberto Romero et al; The Lancet No. 9607, p164–175, 12 January 2008.

Являются ли уреа– и микоплазмоз клинически значимыми инфекциями?

Urinary tract infection: self-reported incidence and associated costs. Foxman B, Barlow R, 2000, PMID: 11118930

Potential preventive strategies and therapies in urinary tract infection. Reid G, 1999, PMID: 10654366

Recurrent urinary tract infection in women. Hooton TM, 2000; PMID: 11295405

Update on acute uncomplicated urinary tract infection in women. Czaja CA, Hooton TM, 2006, PMID: 16913646

Cranberries for preventing urinary tract infections. Jepson RG, Craig JC, Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2008, CD001321

Treatment options for acute uncomplicated cystitis in adults. Kurt G. Naber, Journal of Antimicrobal Chemotherapy, 2000.

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Злокачественные новообразования в России в 2013 году (заболеваемость и смертность).

Lung cancer attributable to indoor radon exposure in France: impact of the risk models and uncertainty analysis. Catelinois O, Rogel A et al; 2006, PMID: 16966089

The Association of Human Papillomavirus 16/18 Infection with Lung Cancer among Nonsmoking Taiwanese Women. Ya-Wen Cheng, Hui-Ling Chiou; 2001 American Association for Cancer Research.

Онкология. Национальное руководство. Под ред. В. И. Чиссова, М. И. Давыдова. 2008

What are the risk factors for small cell lung cancer? American Cancer Society, 2015

Racial and ethnic differences in lung cancer incidence: how much is explained by differences in smoking patterns? (United States). Pinsky P F, 2006, PMID: 16933052

Lung cancer, cardiopulmonary mortality, and long-term exposure to fine particulate air pollution. Pope CA, Burnett RT et al; 2002, PMID: 11879110

Lung Cancer Prevention – for health professionals. National Cancer Institute

Эпидемиология рака шейки матки, факторы риска, скрининг. В. И. Новик, 2002; НИИ онкологии им. проф. Н. Н. Петрова.

Immune responses to human papillomavirus. Stanley M, 2006, PMID: 16219398

HPV vaccine for all. Karin B Michelse, Harald zur Hausen. The Lancet No. 9686, p268–270, 25 July 2009

Топический диагноз в неврологии по Петеру Дуусу. Под ред. М. Бера и М. Фротшера (2015)

Секреты неврологии. Лоран А. Лорак (2014)

Muscle Contraction Tension Headache. Manish K Singh, Tarakad S Ramachandran.

Tricyclic antidepressants and headaches: systematic review and meta-analysis. Jackson JL, Shimeall W, 2010, PMID: 20961988

Головная боль. Справочное руководство для врачей. Яхно Н. Н., Парфенов В. А., Алексеев В. В., 2000

Treating tension-type headache – an expert opinion. Bendtsen L, Jensen R, 2011, PMID: 21247362

The effect of sodium valproate on chronic daily headache and its subgroups. Yurekli VA, Akhan G, 2008, PMID: 18231713

Lack of benefit for prophylactic drugs of tension-type headache in adults: a systematic review. Verhagen A P, Damen L, 2010, PMID: 20028727

Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) and serotonin-norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs) for the prevention of tension-type headache in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015, CD011681

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Классификация головных болей – International Headache Classification (ICHD-2)

Clinical guidelines for headaches. Royal Australian College of General Practitioners

Neurovascular and molecular mechanisms in migraine headaches. Moskowitz MA, Macfarlane R, 1993, PMID: 8217498

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Not tonight, I have a headache? Houle TT, Dhingra LK, 2006, PMID: 16732844

Amitriptyline vs divalproate in migraine prophylaxis: a randomized controlled trial. Kalita J, Bhoi SK, 2013, PMID: 23406477

Efficacy of amitriptyline, pizotifen and propranolol in the prevention of migraine. Israil A1, Ahmed S, 2013, PMID: 23416816

Alimentary trigger factors that provoke migraine and tension-type headache. Holzhammer J, Wöber C, 2006, PMID: 15806385

Sumatriptan plus naproxen for acute migraine attacks in adults. Simon Law, Sheena Derry et al; 2013, CD008541

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