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Глава 2

Эта глава частично основана на интервью с Розалин Картер, Джеймсом Рэмси, Стивеном Рошоном, Скипом Алленом, Джейн Эркенбек, Бетти Монкман, Уортингтоном Уайтом, Реджи Лавом, Клетусом Кларком, Лорой Буш, Гэри Уолтерсом, Биллом Хэмилтоном, Барбарой Буш, Херманом Томпсоном, Маргарет Аррингтон, Фрэнком Рута, Уолтером Шайбом, Роланом Менье, Нелсоном Пирсом, Роном Рейганом, Стивом Фордом, Винсентом Конти, Люси Бэйнс Джонсон, Ронном Пэйном, Иванис Силва, Джеймсом Джеффризом, Сьюзан Форд, Бесс Абелл, Энди Кардом, Кэти Маккормик Леливелд, Кэти Джонсон, Тони Савоем, Крисом Эмери и Кристин Лимерик. В числе открытых источников были использованы: Gerald Boyd, “Nancy Reagans Maid Is Accused of Helping to Export Ammunition,” New York Times, August 14, 1986; Irwin “Ike” Hoover, “Whos Who, and Why, in the White House,” Saturday Evening Post, February 10, 1934; Wilson Jerman, interview for the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., October 2, 2007; Walter Scheib and Andrew Friedman, White House Chef: Eleven Years, Two Presidents, OneKitchen (Hoboken, N.J.: John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2007); Roland Mesnier with Christian Malard, All the President’s Pastries: Twenty – Five Years in the White House (Paris: Flammarion, SA, 2006); Alonzo Fields, My 21 Years in the White House (New York: Crest Books, 1961); Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld, First Lady’s Lady: With the Fords at the White House (NewYork: G. P. Putnam Sons, 1979); White House Historical Association, “The Working White House;” Douglas Jehl, “Chief White House Usher ‘Grounded,’ ” New York Times, March 18, 1994; John and Claire Whitcomb, Real Life at the White House: 200 Years of Daily Life at America’s Most Famous Residence (New York: Routledge, 2002); J. B. West with Mary Lynn Kotz, Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies (New York: Warner Books, 1973); Traphes Bryant, Dog Days at the White House (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1975); Betty Monkmans Oral History can be found at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library; Hillary Rodham Clinton, An Invitation to the White House (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000); “Maid Cleared, Nancy Reagan Wants Her Back,” United Press International, November 4, 1986; and Betty Monkman interview for the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., August 27, 2007.

Глава 3

В числе интервьюируемых были Барбара Буш, Клетус Кларк, Розалин Картер, Джеймс Джеффриз, Летиция Болдридж, Нелсон Пирс, Ролан Менье, Уортингтон Уайт, Уэнди Элзассер, Линси Литтл, Кристин Лимерик, Крис Эмери, Гэри Уолтерс, Скип Аллен, Кэти Джонсон, Люси Бэйнс Джонсон, Дезире Роджерс, Стивен Рошон, Нэнси Рейган (через помощницу Рен Пауэлл) и Тони Савой. В числе открытых источников были использованы: Barbara Bush, Barbara Bush: A Memoir (New York: Scribner, 1994); J. B. West with Mary Lynn Kotz, Upstairs atthe White House: My Life with the First Ladies (New York: Warner Books, 1973); Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld, First Lady’s Lady: With the Fords at the White House (New York: G. P.Putnam Sons, 1979); Irwin Hoover, “Whos Who, and Why, in the White House,” Saturday Evening Post, February 10, 1934; Zephyr Wrights Oral History can be found at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Library; Isaac Averys Oral History can be found at the John F.Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum; Sue Allison Massimiano, “Those Who Serve Those Who Serve,” Life, The White House 1792–1992, October 30, 1992; Carol D. Leonnig, “Secret Service Fumbled Response to 2011 Shooting,” Washington Post, September 28,2014; Carol D. Leonnig, “White House Intruder Was Tackled by Off – Duty Secret Ser viceAgent,” Washington Post, September 30, 2014; Roland Mesnier with Chris tian Malard, All the President’s Pastries: Twenty – Five Years in the White House (Paris: Flammarion, SA, 2006); Gerald Boyd, “Nancy Reagans Maid Is Accused of Helping to Export Ammunition,” NewYork Times, August 14, 1986; “Former White House Chief Usher Recalls Serving 7 President at Oakland Town Hall,” Oakland Press News, April 9, 2014; “Maid Cleared, Nancy Reagan Wants Her Back,” United Press International, November 4, 1986.

Глава 4

В этой главе автор опиралась на материалы бесед с Люси Бэйнс Джонсон, Барбарой Буш, Скипом Алленом, Маргарет Аррингтон, Биллом Клайбером, Херманом Томпсоном, Кристин Лимерик, Фрэнком Рута, Уэнди Элзассер, Роланом Менье, Клетусом Кларком, Бесс Абелл, Ронном Пэйном, Линдой Берд Джонсон Робб и Джоном Меллером. В числе открытых источников были использованы: Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview of the first lady for House Beautiful, November 30, 1993, by Marian Burros, William J. Clinton Presidential Library; President Bill Clinton and First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview for National Geographic, July 25, 1995, William J. Clinton Presidential Library; Sue Allison Massimiano, “Those Who Serve Those Who Serve,” Life, The White House 1792–1992, October 30, 1992; Traphes Bryant, Dog Days at the White House (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1975); Hillary Rodham Clinton, AnInvitation to the White House: At Home with History (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2000); Adam Bernstein, “Rex Scouten, Longtime White House Chief Usher, Dies at 86,” Washington Post, February 22, 2013; J. B. West with Mary Lynn Kotz, Upstairs at the White House: My Life with the First Ladies (New York: Warner Books, 1973); Preston Bruce, From the Door of the White House (New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, a division of William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1984); Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld, First Lady’s Lady: With the Fords at the White House (New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1979); Zephyr Wrights Oral History can be found at the Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library; Wilson Jerman, interview for the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., October 2, 2007.

Глава 5

В числе интервьюируемых были Барбара Буш, Билл Клайбер, Уолтер Шайб, Херман Томпсон, Гэри Уолтерс, Лора Буш, Клетус Кларк, Нелсон Пирс, Джим Кетчум, Триша Никсон, Ролан Менье, Бетти Монкман, Рон Рейган, Джеймс Холл, Линси Литтл, Скип Аллен, Крис Эмери, Билл Хэмилтон, Уортингтон Уайт, Джеймс Рэмси, Бетти Финни, Ронн Пэйн и Тони Савой. В числе открытых источников были использованы: Sheila Rabb Weidenfeld, First Lady’s Lady: With the Fords at the White House (New York: G. P. Putnam Sons, 1979); Laura Bush, Spoken from the Heart (New York: Scribner, 2010); Preston Bruce, Fromthe Door of the White House (New York: Lothrop, Lee and Shepard Books, a division of William Morrow and Company, Inc., 1984); Traphes Bryant with Frances Spatz Leighton, Dog Days at the White House (New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1975); Todd Purdum, “With Resolve, First Lady Lays Out Defense,” New York Times, January17, 1996; Hillary Rodham Clinton, interview of the first lady for House Beautiful, November 30, 1993, by Marian Burros, William J. Clinton Presidential Library; Susan Thomases interview, Miller Center, University of Virginia, William J. Clinton Presidential Oral History Project, January 6, 2006, Lady Bird Johnson, A White House Diary (New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1970); J. B. West with Mary Lynn Kotz, Upstairsat the White House: My Life with the First Ladies (New York: Warner Books, 1973); Monica Lewinsky Timeline, Washington Post, September 13, 1998; Roland Mesnier with Christian Malard, All the President’s Pastries: Twenty – Five Years in the White House (Paris: Flammarion, SA, 2006); Douglas Jehl, “Chief White House Usher ‘Grounded,’ ” NewYork Times, March 18, 1994; the Oral Histories of Maud Shaw and Lawrence J. Arata can be found at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum; Jane Whitmore, “Mr. Nixon’s Man Manolo Finds His Job Fetching,” Pittsburgh Post – Gazette, May 21, 1969; Bill Cliber interview for the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., August 22, 2007; Henry Haller, interview for the Ralph Rinzler Folklife Archives and Collections, Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C., August 27, 2007; Richard Nixon/Frank Gannon interview, University of Georgia Special Collections Libraries, The Walter J. Brown Media Archives and Peabody Awards Collection, June 10, 1983.

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