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{34} Larsson S. C., Wolk A., «Meat consumption and risk of colorectal cancer: A meta-analysis of prospective studies», op. cit.

{35} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective, op. cit.

{36} Ibid.

Глава 5

Молочные продукты и яйца: применимы ли они для профилактики?

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{4} Ibid.

{5} Wollowski I., Rechkemmer G., Pool-Zobel B. L., «Protective role of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer», op. cit.

{6} Ibid.

{7} Ibid.

{8} Lomer M. C., Parkes G. C., Sanderson J. D., «Review article: Lactose intolerance in clinical practice – myths and realities», op. cit.

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{21} Wollowski I., Rechkemmer G., Pool-Zobel B. L., «Protective role of probiotics and prebiotics in colon cancer», op. cit.

{22} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

Глава 6

Фрукты и овощи полезны, но уверенности в этом нет

{1} PNNS, Fruits et légumes. Au moins 5 par jour. Disponible sur: html (consulté le 19 mars 2010).

{2} World Cancer research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

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{6} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et légumes et la santé. Disponible sur: (consulté le 20 mars 2010).

{7} Ibid.

{8} World Cancer Research Fund, Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, and the Prevention of Cancer: A Global Perspective, op. cit.

{9} EUFIC, La Couleur des fruits et légumes et la santé, op. cit.

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