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4/21/76 (AS); 6/8/79, 6/18/79, 6/23/79, 7/7/79 (MS)

Fontenrose, Joseph, 3/25/83 (MS)

Fowler, William A., 3/29/83 (MS)

Frank, Sis, 1/18/82 (MS)

Freier, Phyllis, 3/5/83 (MS)

Friedan, Betty, 1/24/01 (KB)

Friedlander, Gerhart, 4/30/02 (MS)

Garrison, Lloyd, 1/31/84 (KB)

Geurjoy, Edward, 6/26/04 (KB)

Gibney, Ed, 3/26/01 (KB)

Gibney, Eleanor, 3/27/01 (KB)

Green, John and Irva, 2/20/82 (MS)

Goldberger, Marvin, 3/28/83 (MS)

Goldberger, Mildred, 3/3/83 (MS)

Gordon, Lincoln, 5/18/04 (KB phone interview)

Hammel, Edward, 1/9/85 (MS)

Hawkins, David, 6/5/82 (MS)

Hempelmann, Louis, MD, 8/10/79 (MS)

Hein, Hilde Stern, 3/11/04 (KB)

Hiilivirta, Inga, 1/16/82 (MS); 3/26/01 (KB)

Hobson, Verna, 7/31/79 (MS)

Horgan, Paul, 3/3/76 (AS)

Jadan, Doris and Ivan, 1/18/82, 3/26/01 (MS); 3/28/01 (KB)

Jenkins, Edith Arnstein, 5/9/02 (interview by Gregg Herken); 7/25/02 (KB phone interview)

Kamen, Martin D., 1/18/79 (MS)

Kayser, Jane Didisheim, 6/4/75 (CW)

Kelman, Dr. Jeffrey, 2/3/01 (KB)

Kennan, George F., 5/3/79 (MS)

Langsdorf, Babette Oppenheimer, 12/1/76 (AS)

Lilienthal, David E., 10/14/78 (MS)

Lomanitz, Rossi, 7/11/79 (MS)

Manfred, Ken Max (Friedman), 1/14/82 (MS)

Manley, John, 1/9/85 (MS)

Mark, J. Carson, 12/19/79 (JE)

Marks, Anne Wilson, 3/5/02, 3/14/02, 5/9/02 (KB)

Marquit, Irwin, 3/6/83 (MS)

McCloy, John J., 7/10/86 (KB)

McKibbin, Dorothy, 1/1/76 (AS); 7/20/79, 12/10/79 (JE)

Motto, Dr. Jerome, 3/14/01 (KB phone interview)

Mirsky, Jeanette, 11/10/76 (AS)

Morrison, Philip, 6/21/02 (MS); 10/17/02 (KB phone interview)

Nedelsky, Leo, 12/7/76 (AS)

Nelson, Steve and Margaret, 6/17/81 (MS)

Nier, Alfred, 3/5/83 (MS)

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 11/18/63 (interview by T. S. Kuhn), AIP, APS

Oppenheimer, Frank, 2/9/73 (CW); 3/17/75, 4/14/76 (AS); 12/3/78 (MS)

Oppenheimer, Peter, 7/79 (MS); 9/23–24/04 (KB)

Peierls, Sir Rudolph, 6/5–6/79 (MS)

Phillips, Melba, 6/15/79 (MS)

Pines, David, 6/26/04 (KB)

Plesset, Milton, 3/28/83 (MS)

Pollak, Inez, 4/20/76 (AS)

Purcell, Edward, 3/5/79 (MS)

Rabi, I. I., 3/12/82 (MS)

Rosen, Louis, 1/9/85 (MS)

Rotblat, Joseph, 10/16/89 (MS)

St. Clair, Fiona and William, 2/17/82 (MS)

Serber, Robert, 3/11/82 (MS); 12/15/79 (JE)

Sherr, Patricia, 2/20/79 (MS)

Silverman, Albert, 8/9/79 (MS)

Silverman, Judge Samuel, 7/16/91 (MS)

Smith, Alice Kimball, 4/26/82 (MS)

Smith, Herbert, 8/1/74 (CW); 7/9/75 (AS)

Stern, Hans, 3/4/04 (KB phone interview)

Stratchel, John, 3/19/80 (MS)

Strunsky, Robert, 4/26/79 (MS)

Smyth, Henry DeWolf, 3/5/79 (MS)

Tatlock, Hugh, 2/01 (MS)

Teller, Edward, 1/18/76 (MS)

Uehling, Edwin and Ruth, 1/11/79 (MS)

Uhlenbeck, Else, 4/20/76 (AS)

Ulam, Stanislaw L., 7/19/79 (MS)

Ulam, Stanislaw and Francoise, 1/15/80 (JE)

Voge, Hervey, 3/23/83 (MS)

Wallerstein, Dr. Robert S., 3/19/01 (KB phone interview)

Weinberg, Joseph, 8/11/79; 8/23/79 (MS)

Weisskopf, Victor, 3/23/79; 4/21/82 (MS)

Whidden, Georgia, 4/25/03 (KB)

Wilson, Robert, 4/23/82 (interview by Owen Gingrich)

Wyman, Jeffries, 5/28/75 (CW)

Yedidia, Avram, 2/14/80 (MS)

Zorn, Jans, 4/8/83 (MS)

Выражение признательности за предоставление иллюстраций

American Institute of Physics, Emilio Segre Visual Archives (AIP)

AP/Wide World Photos (AP)

The Bancroft Library, University of California, Berkeley (Bancroft)

Bird-Sherwin Collection (BS)

Joe Bukowski (Bukowski)

Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, courtesy AIP, Emilio Segre Visual Archives (AIP-BAS)

Courtesy of the Archives, California Institute of Technology (Caltech)

Alfred Eisenstadt/Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images (Eisenstadt)

Ernest Orlando Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual

Archives, Physics Today Collection (AIP-PTC)

Nancy Rodger © Exploratorium,

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)

Courtesy of the Harvard University Archives (Harvard)

Herblock © 1950 The Washington Post Co., from Herblock’s Here and Now (Simon & Schuster, 1955) (Herblock)

Inga Hiilivirta (Hiilivirta)

J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee Photographs (JROMC)

Yousuf Karsh/Retna Ltd. (Karsh)

Lawrence Berkeley National Lab (Berkeley)

Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives (LANL)

Anne Wilson Marks (Marks)

National Academy of Sciences (NAS)

National Archives (NA)

Niels Bohr Archive, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives (Bohr)

Courtesy Northwestern University Archives (Northwestern)

Alan W. Richards, Princeton, N.J., courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives (Richards)

Barbara Sonnenberg (Sonnenberg)

Ulli Steltzer (Steltzer)

Dr. Hugh Tatlock (Tatlock)

Time & Life Pictures/Getty Images (Getty)

United Press International, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, Physics Today Collection (UPI)

Courtesy of University of North Carolina Archives (UNC)

Herve Voge (Voge)

R.V.C. Whitehead/J. Robert Oppenheimer Memorial Committee (Whitehead)

Yosuke Yamahata, Nagasaki, August 10, 1945, National Archives. © Shogo Yamahata/ courtesy: IDG Films. Photo restoration by TX Unlimited (Yamahata)

Insert Page 1: Julius with baby JRO, JROMC; portrait of Ella, Sonnenberg; portrait of Julius, Sonnenberg. Page 2: JRO playing, JROMC; Ella and JRO, LANL; JRO with chin in hand, JROMC. Page 3: JRO on horseback, JROMC; JRO as young man, AIP; young JRO and Frank, AIP. Page 4: Paul Dirac, NA; Max Born, NA; JRO with Kramers, AIP; JRO and others on a boat, AIP. Page 5: Fowler, JRO, and Alvarez, AIP; JRO in Caltech courtyard, Caltech; Serber at blackboard, Berkeley. Page 6: Lawrence with JRO leaning on car, AIP; JRO with horse, LANL; The authors at Perro Caliente, BS. Page 7: JRO with Fermi and Lawrence, Berkeley; Joe Weinberg, Lomanitz, Bohm, and Freidman, NA; Niels Bohr, AP. Page 8: Jean Tatlock facing camera, Tat- lock; Dr. Thomas Addis, NAS; FBI document, FBI. Page 9: Hoke Chevalier, Johan Hagemeyer Portrait Collection, Bancroft; George Eltenton, Voge; Col. Boris Pash, NA; Martin Sherwin with Chevalier, BS. Page 10: Kitty in jodhpurs, BS; Kitty passport photo, BS; Kitty in lab, BS. Page 11: JRO’s lab pass, BS; Kitty smoking on couch, JROMC; Kitty smiling, JROMC. Page 12: Kitty and Peter, JROMC; JRO feeding baby Peter, JROMC. Page 13: JRO at Los Alamos party, LANL; Dorothy McGibbin, JRO, and Victor Weisskopf, LANL. Page 14: JRO et al. at a lecture, LANL; Hans Bethe portrait, NA; Frank Oppenheimer inspecting instrument, Berkeley; Groves with Stimson, NA. Page 15: JRO pouring coffee, AIP; JRO silhouetted, LANL; Trinity test explosion, LANL. Page 16: Panorama of Hiroshima, NA; Mother and child survivors in Nagasaki, Yamahata. Page 17: JRO et al. at machine, AIP-PTC; Physics Today cover, UPI; JRO, Conant, and Vannevar Bush in tuxedos, Harvard. Page 18: Frank Oppenheimer in lab, NA; Frank and cow, AP; Anne Wilson Marks in boat, Marks; Richard and Ruth Tolman, BS. Page 19: Cover of TIME, Getty; JRO et al. with airplane, LANL; JRO et al. at Harvard, Harvard. Page 20: Olden Manor, BS; Kitty, Toni, and Peter outside Olden Manor, Whitehead. Page 21:

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