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John People: Stories about St. John Residents by St. John Residents. St. John V. I.: American Paradise Publishing, 1993.

Green, Harold P. “The Oppenheimer Case: A Study in the Abuse of Law,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, September 1977.

Gundel, Jeremy. “Heroes and Villains: Cold War Images of Oppenheimer and Teller in Mainstream American Magazines,” July 1992, Occasional Paper 92–1, Nuclear Age History and Humanities Center, Tufts University.

Hershberg, James G. “The Jig Was Up: J. Robert Oppenheimer and the International Control of Atomic Energy, 1947–49.” Paper presented at Oppenheimer Centennial Conference, Berkeley, CA, 4/22–24/04.

Hijiya, James A. “The Gita of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, vol. 144, no. 2, June 2000.

Holton, Gerald. “Young Man Oppenheimer,” Partisan Review, vol. XLVIII, 1981.

Kempton, Murray. “The Ambivalence of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” Esquire, December 1983.

Leffler, Melvyn. “Inside Enemy Archives: The Cold War Re-Opened,” Foreign Affairs, Summer 1996.

Lemley, Kevin V., and Linus Pauling. “Thomas Addis,” Biographical Memoirs, vol. 63. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences, 1994.

Morgan, Thomas B. “A Visit with J. Robert Oppenheimer,” Look, 4/1/58.

–—. “With Oppenheimer, on an Autumn Day: A Thoughtful Man Talks Searchingly About Science, Ethics, and Nuclear War on a Quiet Afternoon During a Bad Time,” Look, 12/27/66.

Newman, Steven Leonard. “The Oppenheimer Case: A Reconsideration of the Role of the Defense Department and National Security.” Dissertation, New York University, February 1977.

Oppenheimer, Robert. “Niels Bohr and Atomic Weapons,” New York Review of Books, 12/17/64.

–—. “On Albert Einstein,” New York Review of Books, 3/17/66.

Preuss, Paul. “On the Blacklist,” Science, June 1983, p. 35.

Rhodes, Richard. “I Am Become Death…” American Heritage, vol. 28, no. 6, 1987, pp. 70–83.

Rosenberg, David Alan. “The Origins of Overkill: Nuclear Weapons and American Strategy, 1945–60,” International Security, no. 7, Spring 1983.

Sanders, Jane A. “The University of Washington and the Controversy Over J. Robert Oppenheimer,” Pacific Northwest Quarterly, January 1979.

Stern, Beatrice M. A History of the Institute for Advanced Study, 1930–1950, p. 613, unpublished manuscript, archives, Institute for Advanced Studies.

Szasz, Ferenc M. “Great Britain and the Saga of J. Robert Oppenheimer,” War in History, vol. 2, no. 3, 1995.

Thorpe, Charles Robert. “J. Robert Oppenheimer and the Transformation of the Scientific Vocation,” Dissertation, UC-San Diego, 2001.

–—. and Steven Shapin. “Who Was J. Robert Oppenheimer?” Social Studies of Science, August 2000.

Trilling, Diana. “The Oppenheimer Case: A Reading of the Testimony,” Partisan Review, November-December 1954.

Wilson, Robert. “Hiroshima: The Scientists’ Social and Political Reaction,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, September 1996.

Рукописные собрания

Acheson, Dean (YUL)

Barnard, Chester (Harvard Business School Library)

Baruch, Bernard (PUL)

Bethe, Hans (CUL)

Bohr, Niels (AIP)

Bush, Vannevar (LC and MIT)

Byrnes, James F. (CU)

Clark, Grenville (Dartmouth College)

Clayton, William (HSTL)

Clifford, Clark (HSTL)

Committee to Frame a World Constitution (University of Chicago)

Compton, Arthur (Washington University)

Compton, Karl (MIT)

Conant, James B. (HU)

DuBridge, Lee (Caltech)

Dulles, John Foster (PUL and DDEL)

Eisenhower, Dwight D., Presidential Papers collections (DDEL)

Federation of Atomic Scientists and numerous associated manuscript collections such as Atomic Scientists of Chicago, Fermi papers and Hutchins papers (University of Chicago)

Forrestal, James (PUL)

Frankfurter, Felix (LC and Harvard Law School)

Groves, Leslie, Record Group (RG) 200, National Archives (NA)

Harriman, Averell (LC and Kai Bird personal archive)

Lamont, Lansing (HSTL)

Lawrence, E. O. (UCB)

Lilienthal, David (PUL)

Lippmann, Walter (YUL)

McCloy, John J. (Amherst College archives)

Niebuhr, Reinhold. (LC)

Oppenheimer, J. Robert (LOC and IAS)

Osborn, Frederick (HSTL)

Patterson, Robert (LC)

Peters, Bernard (Niels Bohr Archive, Copenhagen)

Roosevelt, Franklin D., Presidential Papers collection (Roosevelt Library)

Stimson, Henry L. (YUL)

Strauss, Lewis L. (HHL)

Szilard, Leo (UCSDL)

Tolman, Richard (Caltech)

Truman, Harry S., Presidential Papers collections (HSTL)

University of Michigan records of the theoretical physics summer schools during the 1930s

Urey, Harold (UCSDL)

Wilson, Carroll (MIT)

Собрания правительственных документов

Atomic Energy Commission, National Archives

Manhattan Engineering District, Harrison-Bundy files, RG 77, NA

National Defense Research Council and Office of Scientific Research and Development, RG 227, NA

Federal Bureau of Investigation records on J. Robert Oppenheimer, FBI Headquarters, Washington, DC (Name files: J. Robert Oppenheimer, Katherine Oppenheimer, Frank Oppenheimer, Haakon Chevalier, and Klaus Fuchs)

Los Alamos National Laboratory Archives, numerous files

Secretary of Defense Papers, RG 330, NA

Secretary of War Papers, RG 107, NA

Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, RG 128, NA

Special Committee on Atomic Energy, RG 46, NA

Department of State, AEC files and the records of the Special Assistant to the Secretary of State for atomic energy matters, RG 50, NA


Перечисленные ниже интервью были взяты Мартином Шервином (MS), Каем Бердом (KB), Джоном Элсом (JE), Элис Кимбалл Смит (AS) и Чарльзом Вайнером (CW). Стенограммы интервью Шервина и Берда находятся в распоряжении авторов. Интервью Джона Элса были взяты для его документального фильма 1980 года «День после «Тринити», и мы благодарны, что нам разрешили процитировать их. Интервью Смит и Вайнера были взяты для отредактированного ими сборника «Роберт Оппенгеймер: письма и воспоминания». Хотя Смит и Вайнер любезно предоставили нам копии этих интервью для использования в этой книге, большинство стенограмм их интервью хранятся в архивах Программы устной истории Массачусетского технологического института в Кембридже, штат Массачусетс.

Anderson, Carl, 3/31/83 (MS)

Bacher, Jean, 3/29/83 (MS)

Bacher, Robert, 3/29/83 (MS)

Barlas, June, 1/19/82 (MS); 3/28/01 (KB)

Bernheim, Frederic, 10/27/75 (CW)

Bethe, Hans, 7/13/79 (JE); 5/5/82 (MS)

Bohm, David, 6/15/79 (MS)

Boyd, William, 12/21/75 (AS)

Bradbury, Norris, 1/10/85 (MS)

Bundy, McGeorge, 12/2–3/92 (KB)

Chance, Ellen, 5/10/79 (MS)

Cherniss, Harold F., 4/21/76 (AS); 5/23/79 (MS); 11/10/76 (AS)

Chevalier, Haakon, 6/29/82, 7/15/82 (MS)

Chevalier, Haakon, Jr., 3/9/02 (MS)

Christy, Robert, 3/30/83 (MS)

Colgate, Sterling, 11/12/79 (JE)

Compton, Margaret, 4/3/76 (AS)

Crane, Horace Richard, 4/8/83 (MS)

Dale, Betty, 1/21/82 (MS)

Denham, Irva Claire, 1/20/82 (MS)

Denham, John, 1/20/82 (MS)

DeWire, John, 5/5/82 (MS)

DuBridge, Lee, 3/30/83 (MS)

Duffield, Priscilla Greene, 1/2/76 (AS)

Dyer-Bennett, John, 5/15/01 (KB phone interview)

Dyson, Freeman, 12/10/79 (JE); 2/16/84 (MS)

Ecker, Allan, 7/16/91 (MS)

Edsall, John, 7/16/75 (CW)

Edwards, Steve, 1/18/82 (MS)

Ericson, Sabra, 1/13/82 (MS)

Fergusson, Francis, 4/23/75,

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