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29Carter, III, p. 34.

30Hoving, p. 357.


32Lee…the grand piano came by camel: Arthur C. Mace, the neglected Egyptologist, p. 100, from a conversation with Margaret Orr.

33'Cheiro» (Hamon), Real Life Stories: A Collection of Sensational Personal Experiences, p. 47.

34Ibid., p. 49–50.

35'Tragedy of the Hon. R Bethell. Death at his club. Tutankhamen curse recalled.», Daily Mail, 16 November 1929, p. 11.

36'Cheiro» (Hamon), p. 52, cf. Universal News Service press release on the death of Lord Westbury, February 1930.

37Ibid., p. 49.

38Ibid., p. 51.

39Daily Mail, 16 November 1929, p. 11.

40Tragedy of Lord Westbury. «I cannot stand any more horrors.» Pharoah's curse», Daily Express, 22 February 1930, pp. 1–2.

41Ibid, p. 1.

42See Hoving, pp. 27–37.

43Letter from Arthur Weigall to Howard Carter, dated 25 January 1923, to be found in the Carter Files, Department of Egyptian Art, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, and quoted in James, Howard Carter: the Path to Tutankhamun, p. 242.

44James, pp. 242—3.


1Кееdick, op. cit.

2The exact date of the exchange is not recorded in Keedick's memoirs.

3Hoving, Tutankhamun — The Untold Story, p. 311.

4Letter from Lord Carnarvon to Alan H Gardiner, dated 28 November 1922, quoted in Reeves and Taylor, Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamun, p. 141.

5Budge, Tutankhamen: Amenism, Atenism, and Egyptian Monotheism etc., pp. xviii — xix.

6Merton, «An Egyptian treasure: Great find at Thebes: Lord Carnarvon's long quest»; «Doctor Petrie's views: Unique finds», The Times, 30 November 1922, p. 13.

7'The Egyptian find: Lord Carnarvon's hopes: Difficulties of photography: The unopened chamber», The Times 18 December 1922, p. 14.

8Telegram from Howard Carter to Alan H Gardiner, date unknown, c. early December 1922, quoted in Vandenberg, The Forgotten Pharaoh, p. 125.

9'The Egyptian treasure: The importance of the find: Dr. A Gardiner's views», The Times 4 December 1922, p. 7.

10Carter and Mace, The Tomb of Tut.ankhAmen, I, p. viii.

11Carter and Mace, I, p. viii.

12Herbert, account of discovery of Tutankhamun's tomb (copy), c. 1922—3, British Library Manuscript Collection, RP 17991.

13Reeves, «Tutankhamun and his Papyri», GS 88 (1985), pp. 39–45.

14Ibid., p. 39.


16Belzoni, Narrative, p. 235 f.; cf. Belzoni, Description of the Egyptian Tomb, 1821, 10, quoted in Ibid., p. 40.

17 List of Egyptian Antiquities belonging to Ну. Salt Esqr. forwarded to the British Museum, one of two MSS in the Department of Egyptian Antiquities, the British Museum, quoted in ibid, p. 40.

18Ibid., p. 40, cf. Arundale, Bonomi and Birch, Gallery, 47.

19Ibid., pp. 40—1. The item in question is British Museum No. EA882.

20Ibid, pp. 40, 44 n. 14.

21Reeves and Taylor, Howard Carter: Before Tutankhamun, p. 18.

22Reeves, 1985, p. 41.

23Reeves, The Complete Tutankhamun, 1995, p. 129.

24Budge, p. xii.

25Brackman, The Search for the Gold of Tutankhamen, p. 180.

26Hoving, p. 311.

27Keedick, op. cit.



1Ex. 1: 8. All biblical quotations and references are taken from the Revised King James Bible, unless otherwise indicated

2Ex. 1: 11.

3Ex. 1: 12.

4Ex. 1: 14.

5Ex. 2: 1.

6Ex. 2: 3.

7Ex. 2: 10.

8Acts 7: 22.

9Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, II, x, 1–2.

10Ех. 3: 1.

11Ex. 3: 2–3.

12Ех. 3: 7–8.

13Ех. 3: 14.

14Ех. 3: 14–15.

15Ех. 14: 21.

16Ех. 16: 1.

17Ех. 19: 11.

18Ех. 33: 6.

19Ех. 32: 4.

20Deut. 34: 1.

21Deut. 34: 6.

22Keedick, «Howard Carter», unpublished memoirs, c. 1924.

23Easton, The Illustrated Bible Dictionary, s.v. «Pharaoh», pp. 538—42, which describes Rameses II as Pharaoh of the Oppression.

24Gen. 45: 10; 46: 28, 29, 34.

25Gen. 47: 11.

26Num. 13: 22 27Ps. 78: 12, 43.

28Easton, s.v. «Zo» an», pp. 713—14.

29Bietak, «Avaris and Piramesse: Archaeological Exploration in the Eastern Nile Delta», PBA 65 (1979), pp. 228—9.

30Adam, «Recent discoveries in the Eastern Delta», ASAE 55 (1958), pp. 306, 318-20.

31 Ibid., p. 320.

32Ibid., p. 323; Habachi, «Khata» na-Qantir, Importance», ASAE 52 (1952), p. 443.

33See Adam, pp. 322—4.

34Habachi, pp. 443—4.

35Van Seters, The Hyksos: a new investigation, pp. 127—51.

36Naville, The Geography of the Exodus», JEA 10 (1924), pp. 28–32.

37Wan Seters, pp. 148—9.

38Bietak., pp. 247—53.

39Ibid, p. 269.

40Ibid, р. 273.

41Ibid., р. 279-

42Easton, s.v. «Pharaoh», pp. 538—42.

43Pritchard, Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, «Hymn of Victory of Mer-ne-Ptah (The «Israel Stela»)», pp. 376—8.

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