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Кригер Борис - Lilli-Bunny and the Secret of a Happy Life
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Who is this Lilli-Bunny anyway? Lilli-Bunny might be you, but without the dog-eat-dog life, work that sucks, shrimpy wage, abuse and discrimination, burnt porridge, rubber love, clay conscience, spat soul, snotty childhood, wooden toys, finger in the glass of milk in kindergarten (so that your...
Кригер Борис - Philosophy of Teadybearness
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Teddybearness is a system of values, ideas and actions, based on a gentle and benevolent attitude towards everything and everyone, the absence of all anger, hatred, envy and hostility. Teddybearness ignores the insolubility of the problems of this world and is aimed at creating maximum comfort...
Кригер Борис - Virtual Psychology
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Replacing the psychologist with a computer, however strange it may be, can have a therapeutic effect because we invariably see in the psychologist a person who can judge us and experience disdainful feelings about our weaknesses. In many cases, the patient will not tell a real psychologist that...
Кригер Борис - Philosophy of Self Destruction  Борис Кригер
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What is the connection between the expansion of the universe and sadomasochism? Why is everything in the world striving for decay? How can one realize this and effectively resist self-destruction, at least on an individual level? This book discusses self-destruction at all levels, from cosmology to...
Кригер Борис - Критика жизни во Вселенной
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Наука обычно не задается вопросом какова могла бы быть Вселенная и Жизнь в идеальном мире, словно бы, предполагая, что природа совершенна, и если что-то нам кажется несовершенным, то это от того, что мы недостаточно её постигли. Критиковать Жизнь не принято. Такой подход кажется несерьезным, и...