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UW The Uncollected Work of Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1925)

Глава I. Семейные тайны и предания

1. Birth announcements, The Times 24.8.1872; Brighton Gazette 29.8.1872; unattributed newspaper review of Under the Hill (London, 1904), H. A. Payne’s cuttings-file, BGS archive (Sussex County Record Office, Lewes); R. A. Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of A.B.’ in B. Misc., р. 102.

2. Census return, 1871, PRO, RG 10/1082 ff.83.

3. R. A. Walker, in B. Misc., р. 100.

4. D. G. Crawford, Roll of the Indian Medical Service 1615–1930; record of marriage, India Office microfilms N/1/61/f75 and N/1/51/f14. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 99.

5. William Pitt’s service record [MS], India Office L/MIL/10/74; Florence Pitt’s birth certificate, issued by British Consulate, Boulogne-sur-Mer, 31 December 1850; GRO, London; R. A. Walker B. Misc., p. 99/1.

6. T. F. Wilson, The Defence of Lucknow (London, 1858), p. 219; W. Pitt’s service record; Bengal, Madras, Bombay retired ledger 1859–18 60, India Office L/AG/21/15/8/f185; census return 1861 (PRO); Jersey and Brighton handbooks.

7. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 101–102. F. Hamilton Maugham, Some Brighton Churches (London, 1922), p. 22–32; Malcolm Easton, Aubrey and the Dying Lady (London, 1972), p. 159.

8. Record of baptism, India Office microfilm N/1/13/f453.

9. Last Will and Testament of George Lamb, proved at London, 11 March 1862, Somerset House, London; Death Duty Register; Bengal, Madras, Bombay Retired Ledger [MS], India Office L/AG/21/15/8/f185.

10. Marriage certificate of William Lait and Sarah Ann Beardsley, 1.6.1846, GRO, London. Walker (p. 95–96) incorrectly gives ‘Tait’ for ‘Lait’; R. A. Walker, B. Misc, p. 101.

11. ALS, John Gray to Andre Raffalovich, 10.10.1904 (National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh); R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 101.

12. R. A. Walker, BMisc, p. 101–102.

13. Birth announcement, The Times, 27.8.1871; Brighton Gazette, 8.2.1872, p. 4–5; M. Easton, op. cit., p. 92; R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102.

14. ibid. p. 105; ‘Mrs Ellen A. Beardsley’, Colour 12, 1925, p. 20; George Deny, An Aubrey Beardsley Scrapbook (London, 1920); the scrapbook is at Princeton University; Ellen Agnus Beardsley, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in B. Misc., p. 75, 78–79; the MS is at Princeton.

15. R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102; ALS, Ellen Beardsley to John Lane, 10.9. [1923?], (Princeton); Ellen Beardsley, MS notes for John Lane [1923?], (Princeton); R. A. Walker B. Misc, p. 103.

16. Census returns 1871, PRO; marriage certificate of Florence Pitt and Montz Schenkel, 6.3.1876, GRO; announcement. The Times 8.3.1876; R. A. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102.

17. Henry Russell, Cheer, Boys, Cheer (London, 1895); Landon Ronald, Variations on a Personal Theme (London, 1922); Myself and Others (London, 1931), (none makes mention of the Beardsley connection); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79–80; A. W. King, ‘The Art of Aubrey Beardsley’ in R. A. Walker, A Beardsley Lecture (London, 1924), p. 23; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79; a marginal note on the MS indicates that AB was six at the time.

18. D.S. MacColl, ‘The Beardsleys’, [MS], Glasgow University Library; JohnTliain Davidson by His Daughter (London, 1906); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Walker, ‘Notes on the Family of AB’ in B. Misc., p. 102; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924?] (British Library, London).

19. E.A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Walker, B. Misc., p. 103; MDG, p. 11, 14.

20. Walker, B. Misc., p. 102; MDG, p. 6–13; census return 1881, PRO; MDG, p. 6–13; ALS, E. A. Beardsley to Mabel Beardsley, 10.12. [1904] (Princeton). E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; Mabel Beardsley-Wright, ‘Aubrey Beardsley’ in Allgmeines Lexikon der bilenden Kiinskr von der Alike bis zur Gegenwart, U. Thieme and F. Becker (eds) (Leipzig, 1909), Vol. III, p. 111; Robert Ross, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1909), p. 11.

21. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 80; Iconography, item 1; mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924] (British Library, London); census return 1881, PRO.

22. Ben Weinraub and Christopher Hibbert, Ttte London Encyclopedia (London, 1983), p. 599.

23. E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924]; ALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, io.9 [1923?] (Princeton); mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane [1924] (British Library, London); E. A. Beardslay, B. Misc., p. 83.

24. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 83; MDG, p. 13–14; mALS E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, 14.3.1923 (British Library, London); E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79.

25. mALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, [1924]; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; A. W. King, in An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 24; ALS, R. Ross to William Rothenstein, 23.1.1899 (Harvard University).

26. ALS, E. A. Beardsley to J. Lane, io.9. [1923]; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79–80; Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, proved 2.1.1892; Somerset House, London; Brighton Handbooks, 1883–1885.

Глава II. Счастливые школьные дни

1. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75, 79–80; The Last Will and Testament of Sarah Pitt, Somerset House, London; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 79; MDG, p. 32.

2. E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75; W. W. Hind-Smith, ‘Old Boy Jottings’, P&P, vol. XXIII [1898], p. 93–94; Iconography, item 2; E. A. Beardsley, B. Misc., p. 75.

3. Arthur Symons, Aubrey Beardsley (London, 1905), p. 21; W. B. Yeats, Autobiographies (London, 1955), p. 329; H. Hamilton Maugham, Some Brighton Churches (London, 1922), p. 44–45; Some Brief Recollections of the Late Rev. George Chapman M. A., by one of his own people (Oxford, 1892); R.S., George Chapman (preface by Alfred Gurney) (London, 1893); Malcolm Easton, op. cit. (London, 1972), p. 161; R.S., op. cit.

4. AB’s ‘Form of Application’, 22.11.1884: ‘Name of payor’ is Miss Sarah Pitt; BGS archive (Sussex County Record Office, Lewes); D. B. Friend, Brighton Handbook for 1886, p. 150; P&P, E. J. Marshall memorial number, 1900; conversation with John Smithies, former English teacher at BGS; John Smithies, ‘A. V. Beardsley and H. A. Payne’ in P&P, June 1964; ‘Rules and Regulations’ [BGS Prospectus, f.1886]; BGS Archive (Lewes).

5. ‘Aubrey Beardsley in Memoriam’, Westminster Budget, 25.3.1898, p. 10; R. Thurston Hopkins ‘Aubrey Beardsley’s Schooldays’, The Bookman, March, 1927, p. 305 (Weintraub, and others, mistook Hopkins for AB’s school-fellow, but Hopkins was quoting ‘one of [AB’s] contemporaries’); Hind-Smith, P&P, 1898, p. 93–94; M. Easton, op. cit., p. 3; A. W. King, An Aubrey Beardsley Lecture, p. 24.

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