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49. J. D. E. Gabrieli, R. A. Poldrack, and J. E. Desmond (1998). The Role of Left Prefrontal Cortex in Language and Memory // Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 95 (3). P. 906–913.

50. S. Orton (1928). Specific Reading Disability – Strephosymbolia // Journal of the American Medical Association, 90. P. 1095–1099.

51. M. P. Bryden (1970). Laterality Effects in Dichotic Listening: Relations with Handedness and Reading Ability in Children // Neuropsychologia, 8. P. 443–450.

52. E. B. Zurif and G. Carson (1970). “Dyslexia in Relation to Cerebral Dominance and Temporal Analysis // Neuropsychologia, 8. P. 351–361.

53. K. Rayner and F. Pirozzolo (1977). Hemisphere Specialization in Reading and Word Recognition // Brain and Language, 4 (2). P. 248–261; K. Rayner and F. Pirozzolo (1979). Cerebral Organization and Reading Disability // Neuropsychologia, 17 (5). P. 485–491.

54. G. Yeni-Komshian, D. Isenberg, and H. Goldberg (1975). Cerebral Dominance and Reading Disability: Lateral Visual Field Deficit in Poor Readers // Neuropsychologia, 13. P. 83–94.

55. P. Turkeltaub, L. Gareau, L. Flowers, T. Zeffiro and G. Eden (2003). Development of Neural Mechanisms for Reading // Nature Neuroscience, 6. P. 767–773.

56. S. Shaywitz, B. Shaywitz, K. Pugh, W. Mencl et al. (1998). Functional disruption in the organization of the brain for reading in dyslexia // Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA, 95. P. 2636–2641; S. Shaywitz (2003). Overcoming Dyslexia.

57. S. Shaywitz, B. Shaywitz, W. E. Mencl, R. K. Fulbright, P. Skudlarski, R. T. Constable, K. Pugh, J. Holahan, K. Marchione, J. Fletcher, G. R. Lyon, and J. Gore (2003). Disruption of Posterior Brain Systems for Reading in Children with Developmental Dyslexia // Biological Psychiatry, 52. P. 101–110.

58. J. B. Demb, R. A. Poldrack, and J. D. E. Gabrieli (1999). Functional Neuroimaging of Word Processing in Normal and Dyslexic Readers // Converging Methods for Understanding Reading and Dyslexia. R. M. Klein and P. A. McMullen (eds.). Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press; Habib. The Neurological Basis of Developmental Dyslexia; P. H. T. Leppanen and H. Lyytinen (1997). Auditory Event-Related Potentials in the Study of Developmental Language-Related Disorders // Auditory and Neuro-Otology, 2. P. 308–340; H. Lyytinen (2003). Presentation of Finnish Longitudinal Study Data, International Dyslexia Association: Philadelphia, Pa., October; Pammer et al. Visual Word Recognition: The First Half Second; J. M. Rumsey (1997). Orthographic Components of Word Recognition: A PET-rCBF Study // Brain, 120. P. 739–759; R. Salmelin and P. Helenius (2004). Functional Neuro-Anatomy of Impaired Reading in Dyslexia // Scientific Studies of Reading, 8 (4). P. 257–272; Sandak et al. The Neurobiological Basis of Skilled and Impaired Reading: Recent Findings and New Directions; Simos et al. Age-Related Changes in Regional Brain Activation during Phonological Decoding and Printed Word Recognition; Turkeltaub et al. Developmental of Neural Mechanisms for Reading.

59. O. Tzeng and W. S-Y. Wang (1982). Search for a Common Neurocognitive Mechanism for Language and Movements // American Journal of Physiology, 246. P. 904–911; O. Tzeng and W. S-Y. Wang (1983). The First Two R’s // American Scientist, 71. P. 238–243.

60. Pammer et al. Visual Word Recognition: The First Second Half.

61. D. Doehring, I. M. Hoshko, and M. Bryans (1979). Statistical Classification of Children with Reading Problems // Journal of Clinical Neuropsychology, 1. P. 5–16; R. Morris (1982). The Developmental Classification of Leaning Disabled Children Using Cluster Analysis // Dissertation, University of Florida.

62. M. Wolf and P. Bowers (2000). The Question of Naming-Speed Deficits in Developmental Reading Disability: An Introduction to the Double-Deficit Hypothesis // Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33. P. 322–324 (Special Issue); Wolf and Bowers. The ‘Double-Deficit Hypothesis’ for the Developmental Dyslexias; P. G. Bowers and M. Wolf (1993). Theoretical Links among Naming Speed, Precise Timing Mechanisms, and Orthographic Skill in Dyslexia // Reading and Writing, 5. P. 69–85.

63. M. W. Lovett, K. A. Steinbach, and J. C. Frijters (2000). Remediating the Core Deficits of Developmental Reading Disability: A Double-Deficit Perspective // Journal of Learning Disabilities, 33 (4). P. 334–358.

64. M. Wolf and P. G. Bowers (1999). The Double-Deficit Hypothesis for the Developmental Dyslexias // Journal of Educational Psychology, 91. P. 415–438.

65. См. работы по этим языкам: H. Wimmer, H. Mayringer, and K. Landerl (2000). The Double-Deficit Hypothesis and Difficulties in Learning to Read Regular Orthography // Journal of Educational Psychology, 92. P. 668–680; C. Escribano. The Double-Deficit Hypothesis: Comparing the Subtypes of Children in a Regular Orthography.

66. Когнитивный психолог и генетик Брюс Пеннингтон из Денверского университета ближе всего подошел к описанному здесь взгляду на овладение чтением и его нарушения с точки зрения хода развития и многообразия участвующих в нем процессов. В этом подходе «множественного когнитивного дефицита» могут быть обнаружены несколько возможных источников и проявлений нарушений чтения, и, в зависимости от времени и применяемой терапии, они могут видоизменяться. См.: B. F. Pennington (2006). From Single to Multiple Deficit Models of Developmental Disorders // Cognition, 101 (2). P. 385–413.

67. R. Morris, K. Stuebing, J. Fletcher, S. Shaywitz, G. R. Lyon, D. Shankweiler et al. (1998). Subtypes of Reading Disability: Variability around a Phonological Core // Journal of Educational Psychology, 90. P. 347–373.

68. Theresa Deeney, Calvin Gidney, Maryanne Wolf, and Robin Morris (1998). Phonological Skills of African-American Reading-Disabled Children. Представлено Обществу научных исследований чтения (Society for the Scientific Studies of Reading).

69. K. Landerl, H. Wimmer, and U. Frith (1997). The Impact of Orthographic Consistency on Dyslexia: A German-English Comparison // Cognition, 63 (3). P. 315–334.

70. K. Pugh, R. Sandak, S. Frost, D. Moore, and E. Mencl (2005). Examining Reading Development and Reading Disability in English Language Learners: Potential Contributions from Functional Neuroimaging // Learning Disabilities Research and Practice, 20. P. 24–30; L. H. Tan, J. Spinks, G. Eden, D. Perfetti, and W. Sick (2005). Reading Depends on Writing in Chinese // Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 102. P. 8781–8785.

71. C. Ho, D. W. Ghen, S. Lee, S. Taang, and Luan (2004). Cognitive Profiling and Preliminary Subtyping in Chinese Developmental Dyslexia // Cognition, 91. P. 43–75.

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