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21. H. L. Swanson (2000). Working Memory, Short-Term Memory, Speech Rate, Word Recognition, and Reading Comprehension in Learning Disabled Readers: Does the Executive System Have a Role? // Intelligence, 28. P. 1–30; T. Gunter, S. Wagner, and A. Friederici (2003). Working Memory and Lexical Ambiguity Resolution as Revealed by ERPS: A Difficult Case for Activation Theories // Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 15. P. 43–65.

22. V. Berninger and T. Richards (2002). Brain Literacy for Educators and Psychologists. New York: Academic Press; V. Berninger, R. Abbott, J. Thomason, R. Wagner, H. L. Swanson, E. Wijsman, and W. Raskind (2006). Modeling Developmental Phonological Core Deficits within a Working-Memory Architecture in Children and Adults with Developmental Dyslexia // Scientific Studies in Reading, 10. P. 165–198.

23. D. Bolger, C. Perfetti, and W. Schneider (2005). Cross-Cultural Effect on the Brain Revisited: Universal Structures Plus Writing System Variation // Human Brain Mapping, 25. P. 92–104.

24. Детальное обсуждение см. в работах: D. LaBerge and J. Samuels (1974). Toward a Theory of Automatic Information Processing in Reading // Cognitive Psychology, 6. P. 293–323; C. Perfetti (1985). Reading Ability. New York: Oxford University Press; M. Wolf and T. Katzir-Cohen (2001). Reading Fluency and Its Interventions // Scientific Studies of Reading, 5. P. 211–238. (Special Issue.)

25. B. G. Breitmeyer (1980). Unmasking Visual Masking: A Look at the ‘Why’ Behind the Veil of ‘How’ // Psychological Review, 87 (1). P. 52–69; W. J. Lovegrove and M. C. Williams (1993). Visual Processes in Reading and Reading Disabilities. Hillsdale, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

26. P. Tallal and M. Piercy (1973). Developmental Aphasia: Impaired Rate of Nonverbal Processing as a Function of Sensory Modality // Neuropsychologia, 11. P. 389–398.

27. C. Stoodley, P. Hill, J. Stein, and D. Bishop (2006). Do Auditory Event-Related Potentials Differ in Dyslexics Even When Auditory Discrimination Is Normal? Презентация в Обществе нейронаук.

28. U. Goswami (2003). How to Beat Dyslexia // Psychologist, 16 (9). P. 462–465.

29. P. H. Wolff (2002). Timing Precision and Rhythm in Developmental Dyslexia // Humanities, Social Sciences, and Law, 15 (1–2). P. 179–206.

30. P. Wolff (1993). Impaired Temporal Resolution in Developmental Dyslexia // Temporal Information Processing in the Neurons System: Special References to Dyslexia and Dysphasia. P. Tallal, A. M. Galaburda, R. R. Llinas, and C. von Euler (eds.). Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 682. P. 101.

31. Обзор практически всех многочисленных исследований Брезниц дается в книге: Z. Breznitz (2006). Fluency in Reading. Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum.

32. M. B. Denckla and G. Rudel (1976). Rapid Automatized Naming (RAN): Dyslexia Differentiated from Other Leaning Disabilities // Neuropsychologia, 14 (4). P. 471–479; M. B. Denckla (1972). Color-Naming Defects in Dyslexic Boys // Cortex, 8. P. 164–176; M. B. Denckla and R. Rudel (1976). Naming of Object Drawings by Dyslexia and Other Learning-Disabled Children // Brain and Language, 3. P. 1–16.

33. D. Amtmann, R. D. Abbott, and V. W. Berninger (2007). Mixture Growth Models of RAN and RAS Row by Row: Insight into the Reading System at Work across Time // Reading and Writing, an Interdisciplinary Journal, 20. P. 785–813; L. Cutting and M. B. Denckla (2001). The Relationship of Rapid Serial Naming and Word Reading in Normally Developing Readers: An Exploratory Model // Reading and Writing, 14. P. 673–705; M. A. Eckert, C. M. Leonard, T. L. Richard, E. H. Aylward, J. Thomas, and V. W. Berninger (2003). Anatomical Correlates of Dyslexia: Frontal and Cerebellar Findings // Brain, 126 (2). P. 482–494; K. Hempenstall (2004). Beyond Phonemic Awareness // Australian Journal of Learning Disabilities, 9. P. 3–12; C. Ho, D. W. Chan, S. Lee, S. Tsang, and V. Luan (2004). Cognitive Profiling and Preliminary Subtyping in Chinese Developmental Dyslexia // Cognition, 91. P. 43–75; G. W. Hynd, S. R. Hooper, and T. Takahashi (1998). Dyslexia and Language-Based Disabilities // Textbook of Pediatric Neuropsychiatrists. C. E. Coffey and R. A. Brumback (eds.). Washington, D.C.: American Psychiatric Press. P. 691–718; M. Kobayashi, C. Haynes, P. Macaruso, P. Hook, and J. Kato (2005). Effects of Mora Deletion, Nonword Repetition, Rapid Naming, and Visual Search Performance on Beginning Reading in Japanese // Annals of Dyslexia, 55. P. 105–128; T. Korhonen (1995). The Persistence of Rapid Naming Problems in Children with Reading Disabilities: A Nine-Year Follow-Up // Journal of Learning Disabilities, 28. P. 232–239; H. Lyytinen (2003). Presentation of Finnish Longitudinal Study Data. International Dyslexia Association. Philadelphia, Pa., October.; F. R. Manis, M. S. Seidenberg, and L. M. Doi (1999). See Dick RAN: Rapid Naming and the Longitudinal Prediction of Reading Subskills in First– and Second-Graders // Scientific Studies of Reading, 3. P. 129–157; C. McBride-Chang and F. Manis (1996). Structural Invariance in the Associations of Naming Speed, Phonological Awareness, and Verbal Reasoning in Good and Poor Readers: A Test of the Double-Deficit Hypothesis // Reading and Writing, 8. P. 323–339; R. I. Nicolson, A. J. Fawcett, and P. Dean (1995). Time Estimation Deficits in Developmental Dyslexia: Evidence of Cerebellar Involvement // Proceedings: Biological Sciences, 259 (1354). P. 43–47; R. I. Nicolson and A. J. Fawcett (1990). Automaticity: A New Framework for Dyslexia Research? // Cognition, 35 (2). P. 159–182; H. Swanson, G. Trainen, D. Necoechea, and D. Hammill (2003). Rapid Naming, Phonological Awareness, and Reading: A Meta-analysis of the Correlation Literature // Review of Educational Research, 73. P. 407–440; L-H. Tan, J. Spinks, G. Eden, C. Perfetti, and W. T. Siok (2005) Reading Depends on Writing in Chinese // PNAS, 102. P. 8781–8785; K. P. Van den Bos, B. J. H. Zijlstra, and H. C. Lutje Spelberg (2002). Life-Span Data on Continuous-Naming Speeds, of Numbers, Letters, Colors, and Pictures Objects, and Word-Reading Speed // Scientific Studies of Reading, 6. P. 25–49; P. F. De Jong and A. van der Leij (1999). Specific Contributions of Phonological Abilities to Early Reading Acquisition: Results from a Dutch Latent-Variable Longitudinal Study // Journal of Educational Psychology, 91. P. 450–476; D. Waber (2001). Aberrations in Timing in Children with Impaired Reading: Cause, Effect, or Correlate? // Dyslexia, Fluency, and the Brain. Extraordinary Brain Series. M. Wolf (ed.). Baltimore, Md.: York Press. P. 103; H. Wimmer and H. Mayringer (2002). Dysfluent Reading in the Absence of Spelling Difficulties: A Specific Disability in Regular Orthographies // Journal of Educational Psychology, 94. P. 272–277; M. Wolf and P. Bowers (1999). The ‘Double-Deficit Hypothesis’ for the Developmental Dyslexias // Journal of Educational Psychology, 91. P. 1–24; M. Wolf, P. G. Bowers, and K. Biddle (2000). Naming-Speed Processes, Timing, and Reading: A Conceptual Review // Journal of Learning Disabilities, 3. P. 387–407. (Special issue.)

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