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Adizes, I. “Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (I)”. “The Role of Management in Democratic Organization.” Gerencia. Instituto Peruano de Administracion de Empresas (IPAE). Lima, Peru, (Noviembre/Diciembre, 1976): 23-76.

Adizes, I. “On Conflict Resolution and an Organizational Definition of Self-Management” in Participation and Self-Management, Volume 5 “Social System and Participation”, 1-73. First International Sociological Conference on Participation and Self-Management. Zagreb, Yugoslavia (1973).

Adizes, I. “Le Role de la Direction Dans une Communante Organisee Sur une Base Democratique.” “The Role of Management in Democratic Organization.” Les Annales De L’Economie Collective 1 (Jan.-Mars, 1973): 83-109.

Adizes, I., and McWhinney, W. “Arts, Society and Administration: The Role and Training of Arts Administrators, Arts and Society.” Arts and Society, 10, 3 (1974): 40-50.

Adizes, I. “Gerencia y Estructuras Comunales (II) Management and Communal Structures.” Gerencia, IPAE (January/February, 1974): 36-43.

Adizes, I. “Relaciones Organizativas en la Empresa Autogestionaria [The Self-Managed Enterprise].” Apuntes 1, 2 (1974): 21-30.

Blame, M., and Adizes, I. “Parkview Symphony.” In Business Policy: Strategy Formation and Management Action, ed. W. Glueck, 366-374. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1974.

Adizes, I. “Autogestion y Naciones en Dsarollo [Self-Management in Developing Nations]”. Apuntes 4 (1975): 106-122.

Adizes, I. “The Cost of Being an Artist: An Argument for the Public Support of the Arts.” California Management Review 17 (Summer, 1975): 80-84.

Adizes, I. “Mas Alla del «Principio de Peter»: una Tipologia de Estilos de Incompetencis Gerencial.” Instituto de Administracion Cientifica de las Empresas (IACE). Monterrey, Mexico (1975).

Adizes, I. “Mismanagement Styles”. California Management Review 19, 2 (1976): 5-20.

Adizes, I. “Seattle Opera Association.” Business Policy: Strategy Formation and Management Action, ed. W. Glueck, 610-634. 2nd ed. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1976.

Adizes, I. and Zukin, P. “A Management Approach to Health Planning in Developing Countries.” Health Care Management Review 2, 1 (1977): 19-37.

Adizes, I. “Industrial Democracy and Codetermination.” Encyclopedia of Professional Management. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1978.

Zupanov, J., and Adizes, I. “Labor Relations in Yugoslavia.” Handbook of Contemporary Developments in World Industrial Relations, ed. A. Blum. Westwood, CT: Greenwood Press, 1978.

Adizes, I. “Mismanagement.” Affarsekonomi Management. Stockholm, Sweden, 1978.

Adizes, I. “Organizational Passages: Tools for Diagnosis and Therapy of Organizational Behavior.” Organizational Dynamics 8, 3 (Summer, 1979): 28-46.

Adizes, I., and Turban, E. “An Innovative Approach to Group Decision Making.” Personnel, 62, 4 (1985): 45-49.

Adizes, I. “Back to Basics: Mutual Trust and Respect and Productivity.” Executive Excellence, 10, 10 (1993): 11-13.

Adizes, I. “Managing: The Business of Mutual Trust and Respect.” Manage 45, 1 (1993): 26-28.

Adizes, I. “Twelve Tips on Keeping Your Growing Business at Prime”. Manage 44, 3 (1993): 14-17.

Adizes, I. “Corporate Lifecycles: Entrepreneurship and Integration.” In Management and Entrepreneurship, the English version, ed. I. Vaji, 168 172. Vol. II. Centar za Management

i Marketing, University of Zagreb: Zagreb University Press, 1994.

Adizes, I. “How to Convert a Committee into a Team.” Successful Meetings 43, 2 (1994): 115-118.

Adizes, I. “Integrating Innovation.” Executive Excellence 11, 11 (1994): 12-13.

Adizes, I. “Keeping the Fires Burning [about TQM].” Manage 46, 1 (1994): 12-16.

Adizes, I. “Information Superhighway: Overloading Human Potential.” Executive Excellence 12, 4 (1995): 15.

Adizes, I. “What Comes First? Strategy or Structure?” Executive Excellence 2, 9 (1995): 20.

Adizes, I. “Eight Myths [about management]: Getting Right the People Dimension of Business.” Executive Excellence 14, 9 (1997): 20.

Adizes, I. “Five Myths about Management in the 1990s.” Manage 48 (July, 1997): 30-32.

Adizes, I. “Looking for Mr./Ms. Perfect: The Search for the Right Professional Manager in a Growing Company.” Progress 2, 1 (1998): 14-15.

Adizes, I. “Self-Esteem: Who Cares?” The Adizes Institute Journal of Organizational Transformation 1, 1 (1998): 7-16.

Рабочие материалы

Adizes, I. Establishing a Program for Arts Administration: Summary of the UCLA Conference and a Report on Implementation. In the Management in the Arts Research Program Publication Series, Publication 1. Division of Research, GSM. Los Angeles: UCLA, 1969.

Adizes, I. “The Roles of Art in Post-Industrial Society.” Presented at the Center for the Study of Democratic Institutions. Santa Barbara, CA: January, 1973.

Adizes, I. “Administering for the Arts: Problems in Practice.” Management in the Arts Program Research Papers, #15. GSM. Los Angeles: UCLA, October, 1971.

Adizes, I. “A New Framework for Management Theory.” Santa Barbara: The Adizes Institute, June, 1987.

Adizes, I., and Haldeman, H.R. “Why Gorbachev Might Fail.” Santa Barbara: The Adizes Institute, January, 1988.

Adizes, I. “The Common Principles of Managing Oneself, a Family, a Corporation or a Society.” Santa Barbara: The Adizes Institute, September, 1990.


Adizes, I. (1984). The Adizes Program in Video. Santa Barbara: The Adizes Institute.

Adizes, I. Program A: Overview of the Adizes Process of Management. Set of 3 videotapes. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1993.

The Adizes Process of Management. 55 min.

The Adizes Program. Questions and Answers # 1.

The Adizes Program. Questions and Answers # 2.

Adizes I. Program B: The Management Process. Set of 4 videotapes. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1993.

The Roles of Management. 28 min.

Mismanagement Styles. 41 min.

The Structural Causes of Deadwood. 38 min.

What is a Good Manager? 41 min.

Adizes, I. Program C: Organizational Lifecycles. Set of 4 videotapes. Santa Barbara: Adizes Institute Publications, 1993.

The Growth Phases of Organizational Lifecycles. 39 min.

The Aging Phases of Organizational Lifecycles. 38 min.

Analysis of Lifecycles. 52 min.

Treating the Growing and Aging Problems of Organizations. 56 min.

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