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Spanuth, Jurgen, Atlantis of the North (Sidgwick Jackson, 1979)

Stevenson, William Henry, Asser's Life of King Alfred (Clarendon Press, 2nd edn, 1959)

Tacitus, De Vita Agricolae, ed. R. M. Ogilvie Sir Ian Richmond (Clarendon Press, 1967)

Tatlock, J. S. P., The Legendary History of Britain (University of California Press, 1950)

Thorpe, Lewis, The History of the Kings of Britain by Geoffrey of Monmouth (Penguin, 1966)

Gerald of Wales: The Journey Through Wales/The Description of Wales (Penguin, 1978)

Vinaver, Eugene (ed.), The Works of Sir Thomas Malory (Clarendon Press, 3vols., 1947)

Wade-Evans, A. W, Welsh Christian Origins (Alden Press, 1934)

Nennius's History of the Britons (SPCK, 1938)

Vitae Sanctorum Britanniae et Genealogiae (University of Wales Press, 1944)

The Emergence of England and Wales (Heffer, 2nd edn, 1959)

Ward, Charlotte, «Arthur in the Welsh Bruts», in Cyril J. Burne, Margaret Harry Padraig O'Siadhail (eds.), Celtic Languages and Celtic Peoples: Proceedings of the Second North American Congress of Celtic Studies (St Mary's University, 1992), p. 383-390

Weiss, Judith, Wace's Roman De Brut: A History of The British (University of Exeter Press, 1999)

Williams, David H., Atlas of Cistercian Lands in Wales (University of Wales Press, 1990)

Williams, Hugh, Gildae De Excidio Britanniae (Cymmrodorion Record Series No. 3, 2 vols., 1899)

Williams, Ifor, Pedeir Keinc у Mabinogi (University of Wales Press, 1930)

Canu Aneirin (University of Wales Press, 1938) Williams, J. E. Caerwyn, The Poets of the Welsh Princes (University of Wales Press, 1994)

Winterbottom, Michael, Gildas, The Ruin of Britain (Phillimore, 1978)

Wright, Neil, «Geoffrey of Monmouth and Gildas», Arthurian Literature, Vol. II (1982), p. 1-40

— «Gildas's geographical perspective: some problems», in Michael Lapidge and David Dumville (eds.), Gildas: New Approaches (Boydell, 1984), p. 85-106

— (ed.), The Historia Regum Britanniae of Geoffrey of Monmouth I: A Single-Manuscript Edition from Bern, Burgerbibliothek, MS. 568 (D.S. Brewer, 1985)

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