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39 Hamlin J. K: et al. (2011) How infants and toddlers react to antisocial others. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 108 (50): 19931-19936.

40 Carlsmith K. M. (2006) The roles of retribution and utility in determining punishment. Journal of Experimental Social Psycho-logy. 42: 437-451-

41 Darle y J. M. et al. (2000) Incapacitation and just deserts as motives for punishment. Law and Human Behavior. 24: 659-683.

42 Carlsmith K. M., Darley J. M. (2008) Psychological aspects of retributive justice. In: Zanna M. P (ed.) Advances in experimental social psychology (V 40, P. 193-236). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.

43 Carlsmith K. M. (2008) On justifying punishment: the discrepancy between works and actions. Social Justice Research. 21: 119-137.

44 Buckholtz J. W. et al. (2008) The neural correlates of third-party punishment. Neuron. 60: 930-940.

45 Richards J. R. (2000) Human nature after Darwin (P 210). NY: Routledge.

46 Boyd R. et al. (2003) The evolution of altruistic punishment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 100 (6): 3531-3535.

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