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Зегидур С. Повседневная жизнь паломников в Мекке. – М.: Молодая гвардия, 2008.

_A Princess's Piligrimate: Nawab Sikandar Begum's A Piligri-

mage to Mecca. – Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 2008.

Abdellah Hammoudi. A Season in Mecca: Narrative of a Pilgrimage. – New York: Hill & Wang, 2006.

Ahmad Suba’i. My Days in Mecca. – London: Garnet Publishing, 2009.

_An Ottoman Traveller: Selections from the Book of Travels by

Evliya Celebi. – London: Elaand, 2010.

Anderson, S. Lawrence in Arabia: War, Deceit, Imperial Folly and the Making of the Modern Middle East. – Melbourne: Anchor, 2014.

Anscombe, F. The Ottoman Gulf: The Creation of Kuwait, Saudia Arabia, and Qatar. – New York: Columbia University Press, 1997.

Badia у Leblich, D. Travels of All Bey in Morocco, Tripoli, Cyprus, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, and Turkey between the years 1803 and 1807. Written by himself, and illustrated by maps and numerous plates. – London: British Library Historical Print Editions, 2011.

Baker, R. King Husain and the Kingdom of Hejaz. – Cambridge: The Oleander Press, 1979.

Burckhardt, J. L. Travels in Arabia. – London: Henry Colburn, 1829.

Burton, R.F. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Mecca and Medina. – Leipzig: Bernhard Tauchnitz, 1874.

Carapico, S. Arabia Incognita: Dispatches from Yemen and the Gulf – Charlottesville: Just World Books, 2016.

Cobbold, E. Pilgrimage to Mecca. – London: Arabian Publishing Ltd., 2009.

Daughty, C.M. Travels in Arabia Deserta. 2 Vol. – London: PL. Warner, 1921.

Esin, E. Mecca the Blessed Madinah the Radiant. – London: Elek Books, 1963.

Gaury, G. de. Rulers of Mecca. – New York: Dorset Press, 1991.

Ibn al-Mujawir. A Traveller in Thirteenth-Century Arabia: Ibn al-Mujawir's Tarikh al-Mustabsir. – London: Hakluyt Society, 2008.

Ibn Arabi. The Meccan Revelations. – New York: Pir Press, 2004.

Ibn Battuta. Travels in Asia and Africa, 1325–1354. – London: Psychology Press, 2004.

Ibn Jubayr. The Travels of Ibn Jubayr. – London: Luzac & Co, 1907.

Hafiz Ahmed Hassan. Pilgrimage to Caaba and Charing Cross. – Karachi: Wirsa, 2006.

Kennedy, H. Caliphate: The History of an Idea. – New York: Basic Books, 2016.

Knight, M. M. Journey to the End of Islam. – New York: Soft Skull Press, 2009.

Lawrence, T.E. Seven Pillars of Wisdom. – London: Wordsworth Editions Ltd., 1999.

Madawi al-Rasheed. A History of Saudi Arabia. – Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Malcolm X. The Autobiography of Malcolm X. – New York: Grove Press, 1965.

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McNamara, R. The Hashemites: The Dream of Arabia. – London: Haus Publishing, 2010.

Miller, R. Desert Kingdoms to Global Powers: The Rise of the Arab Gulf. – New Haven: Yale University Press, 2016.

Minawi, M. The Ottoman Scramble for Africa: Empire and Diplomacy in the Sahara and the Hijaz. – Redwood City: Stanford University Press, 2016.

Muhammad Assad. The Road to Mecca. – New York: Fons Vitae Publishing, 2000.

Naser-e Khosraw. Book of Travels. – New York: State University of New York Press, 1985-

Nader, A.N. Le Systeme Philosophique des Mutazula. – Beyrouth: Editions les Lettres Orientales, 1956.

Pickthall, M.W. The Meaning of the Glorious Our'an. – New York: Tahrike Tarsile Quran, 1999.

Peters, E E. Mecca: A Literary History of the Muslim Holy Land. – Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.

Rosenthal, E. & Churchward, H. From Drury Lane to Mecca. Being an Account of the Strange Life and Adventures of Hedley Churchward. – London: Sampson Low, Marston & Co., Ltd., 1931.

Rutter, E. The Holy Cities of Arabia. – London: Arabian Publishing Ltd., 2015.

Sander, N. Ibn Saud: King by Conquest. – Vista: Selwa Press, 2008.

Teitelbaum, J. The Rise and Fall of the Hashimite Kingdom of Arabia. – New York: NYU Press, 2001.

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Trofimov, Y. The Siege of Mecca: The Forgotten Uprising in Islam's Holiest Shrine and the Birth of Al Qaeda. – New York: Doubleday, 2007.

Wavell, A.J.B. A Modern Pilgrim in Mecca and a Siege in Sanaa. – London: Garnet Publishing, 2005.

Wolfe, M. One Thousand Roads to Mecca. The Centuries of Travelers Writing about the Muslim Pilgrimage. – New York: Grove Press, 1997.

Ziauddin Sardar. Mecca: The Sacred City. – New York: Bloomsbury USA, 2014.


Османская миниатюра с изображением мечети Аль-Харам.

Предположительно, XVIII век

Во дворе мечети Аль-Харам. Каирская гравюра на основе османской миниатюры конца XIX в. Справа на горе видна крепость Аль-Аджьяд. Сейчас на ее месте находится комплекс небоскребов Абрадж аль-Бейт

Историческое мекканское кладбище Джаннат аль-Муалла, 1907 год.

В самом большом белом мавзолее покоилась Хадиджа. Ее усыпальница была разрушена ваххабитами в 1925 году

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