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S. J. Olshansky, D. J. Passaro, R. C. Hershow, et al. 2005. A potential decline in life expectancy in the United States in the 21st century. N Engl J Med 352(11):1138–1145;

Philip Cohen, “You Are What Your Mother Ate, Suggests Study,” New Scientist, 4 августа 2003

В своей статье «New Scientist» ссылается на следующую работу:

R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol 23(15):5293–5300; Alison Motluk, “Life Sentence,” New Scientist, October 30, 2004.

130. Rowan Hooper, “Mendel’s Laws of Inheritance Challenged,” New Scientist, 27 мая 2006;

Rowan Hooper, “Men Inherit Hidden Cost of Dad’s Vices,” New Scientist, 6 января 2006;

E. Jablonka and M. J. Lamb, Evolution in Four Dimensions: Genetic, Epigenetic, Behavioral, and Symbolic Variation in the History of Life (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 2005);

R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol 23(15):5293–5300;

Gaia Vince, “Pregnant Smokers Increase Grandkids’ Asthma Risk,” New Scientist, 11 апреля 2005;

Q. Li, S. Guo-Ross, D. V. Lewis, et al. 2004. Dietary prenatal choline supplementation alters postnatal hippocampal structure and function. J Neurophysiol 91(4):1545–1555;

Shaoni Bhattacharya, “Nutrient During Pregnancy Super- Charges’ Brain,” New Scientist, 12 марта 2004;

Leslie A. Pray, “Dieting for the Genome Generation,” The Scientist, 17 января 2005; Anne Underwood and Jerry Adler, “Diet and Genes,” Newsweek, 24 января 2005.

131. Цитата Рэнди Джиртл приведена в пресс-релизе Медицинского центра Университета Дьюка, доступном по ссылке:

Статья целиком:

R. A. Waterland and R. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol23(15):5293–5300;

Leslie A. Pray, “Epigenetics: Genome, Meet Your Environment: As the Evidence Accumulates for Epigenetics, Researchers Reacquire a Taste for Lamarkism,” The Scientist, 5 июля 2004;

I. C. Weaver, N. Cervoni, F. A. Champagne, et al. 2004. Epigenetic programming by maternal behavior. Nat Neurosci 7(8):847–854;

E. W. Fish, D. Shahrokh, R. Bagot, et al. 2004. Epigenetic programming of stress responses through variations in maternal care. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1036:167–180;

A. D. Riggs and Z. Xiong. 2004. Methylation and epigenetic fidelity Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 101(1): 4–5.

132. C. R. Camargo, E. Colares, and A. M. Castrucci. 2006. Seasonal pelage color change: news based on a South American rodent. An Acad Bras Cienc 78(1):77–86.

133. J. L. Brooks. 1965. Predation and relative helmet size in cyclomorphic Daphnia. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 53(1):119–126;

J. Pijanowska and M. Kloc. 2004. Daphnia response to predation threat involves heat-shock proteins and the actin and tubulin cytoskeleton. Genesis 38(2):81–86.

134. M. Enserink. 2004. Entomology: an insect’s extreme makeover. Science 306(5703):1881.

135. R. Richard Shine and S. J. Downes. 1999. Can pregnant lizards adjust their offspring phenotypes to environmental conditions? Oecologia 119(1):1–8.

136. P. D. Gluckman and M. Hanson, The Fetal Matrix: Evolution, Development, and Disease (New York: Cambridge University Press, 2005).

137. Shaoni Bhattacharya, “Fattening Up Skinny Toddlers Risks Heart Health,” New Scientist, 27 октября 2005;

C. N. Halesand D. J. Barker. 2001. The thrifty phenotype hypothesis. Br Med Bull 60:5–20.

138. W. Y. Kwong, A. E. Wild, P. Roberts, et al. 2000. Maternal undernutrition during the preimplantation period of rat development causes blastocyst abnormalities and programming of postnatal hypertension. Development 127(19):4195–4202.

Полезный обзор на эту тему:

V. M. VehaskariandL. L.Woods. 2005. Prenatal programming of hypertension: lessons from experimental models. JAmSocNephrol 16(9):2545–2556.

139. Rowan Hooper, “Men Inherit Hidden Cost of Dad’s Vices,” New Scientist, 6 января 2006;

M. E. Pembrey, L. O. Bygren, G. Kaati, et al. 2006. Sex-specific, male-line transgenerational responses in humans. EurJHumGenet 14(2):159–166.

Цитата Маркуса Пембрей заимствована из:

E. Pennisi. 2005. Food, tobacco, and future generations. Science 310(5755):1760–1761.

140. Gaia Vince, “Pregnant Smokers Increase Grandkids’ Asthma Risk,” New Scientist, 11 апреля 2005.

141. L. H. Lumey, A. C. Ravelli, L. G. Wiessing, et al. 1993. The Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study: design, validation of exposure, and selected characteristics of subjects after 43 years follow- up. Pediatric Perinat Epidemiol 7(4):354–367;

A. D. Stein, A. C. Ravelli, and L. H. Lumey. 1995. Famine, thirdtrimester pregnancy weight gain, and intrauterine growth: the Dutch Famine BirthCohort Study. Hum Biol 67(1):135–150;

L. H. Lumey, A. D. Stein, and A. C. Ravelli. 1995. Timing of prenatal starvation in women and birth weight in their first and second born offspring: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 61(1):23–30;

L. H. Lumey and A. D. Stein. 1997. In utero exposure to famine and subsequent fertility: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. Am J Public Health 87(12):1962–1966;

A. D. Stein and L. H. Lumey. 2000. The relationship between maternal and offspring birth weights after maternal prenatal famine exposure: the Dutch Famine Birth Cohort Study. HumBiol 72(4):641–654.

142. R. A. WaterlandandR. L. Jirtle. 2003. Transposable elements: targets for early nutritional effects on epigenetic gene regulation. Mol Cell Biol 23(15):5293–5300.

143. Christen Brownlee, “Nurture Takes the Spotlight,” Science News, 24 июня 2006.

144. Сайт компании:

Подробнее на тему эпигенетики читайте:

G. Riddihough and E. Pennisi. 2001. The evolution of epigenetics. Science 293(5532):1063;

E. Jablonka and M. J. Lamb. 2002. The changing concept of epigenetics. Ann N Y Acad Sci 981:82–96;

V. K. Rakyan, J. Preis, H. D. Morgan, and E. Whitelaw. 2001. The marks, mechanisms and memory of epigenetic states in mammals. Biochem J 356(Pt 1):1–10.

145. D. H. Kim, H. H. Nelson, J. K. Wiencke, et al. 2001. p16(INK4a) and histology- specific methylation of CpG islands by exposure to tobacco smoke in non – small cell lung cancer. Cancer Res 61(8):3419–3424;

H. Enokida, H. Shiina, S. Urakami, et al. 2006. Smoking influences aberrant CpG hyper-methylation of multiple genes in human prostate carcinoma. Cancer 106(1):79–86.

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