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13. J. Tyrwhitt-Brooks. M. D. Four Months among the Gold Finders. Baudry's European Library, Paris, 1850.

14. Recollection of the California Mines, op. cit.

15. Voyage en Californie, op. cit.

16. A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush: the letters of Franklin A Buck, Houghton Mifflin Co., Boston, 1930.

17. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

18. Audubon's Western Journal, The Arthur H. Clark Co., Cleveland, 1906.

19. Ibid.

20. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

21. Daniel Lévy, op. cit.

22. S. Lapeyrouse, op. cit.

23. Documents généraux et officiels sur la Californie, Paris, 1849, chez l'editeur, rue Richer n° 10.

24. Металлический брус с заостренным наконечником, предназначенный для подъема тяжелых камней.

25. J. Tyrwhitt-Brooks, op. cit.

26. S. de Lapeyrouse, op. cit.

27. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

28. Ibid.

29. Leonard Kip. California Sketches, N. A Kovach, Los Angeles, 1946.

30. Ibid.

31. James H. Carson, op. cit.

32. Notes of Travel from New York to the Gold Region in California, op. cit.

33. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

34. Louise Knappe-Smith. The Shirley Letters from the California Mines. The Grabhorn Press, San Francisco, 1933.

35. Milton Hall Jr. Letters. Manuscrit, Bancroft Library.

36. Death Valley in 49, op. cit.

Цена за унцию золота постоянно колебалась. 16 долларов — это была максимальная цена за унцию.

37. Leonard Kip, op. cit.

38. Statement of General Francis Dorn, manuscrit, Bancroft Library.

39. E. Gould Buffum. The Gold Rush, op. cit.

40. Ibid.

41. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

42. California Gold Rush Merchant, The Journal of Stephen Chapin Davis, The Huntington Library, San Marino, 1956.

43. Ibid.

44. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

45. Т. Warwick Brooks. Letters, manuscript, Bancroft Library.

46. George W.B. Evans. Mexican Gold Trail. The Huntington Library, San Marino, 1945.

47. T. Warwick Brooks, op. cit.

48. Leonard Kip, op. cit.

49. Ibid.

50. Audubon's Western Journal, op. cit.

51. Leonard Kip, op. cit.

52. The Shirley Letters from the California Mines, op. cit.

53. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

54. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

55. M. de Saint-Amant, op. cit.

56. The Shirley Letters from the California Mines, op. cit.

57. Ibid.

58. T. Warunck Brooks, op. cit.

59. The Jayhawkers'oath and other Sketches, op. cit.

60. T. Warwick Brooks, op. cit.

61. Leonard Kip, op. cit.

62. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

63. The Jayhawkers'oath and other Sketches, op. cit.

64. Ibid.

65. Franklin A. Buck. A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush, op. cit.

66. Edouard Auger. Voyage en Californie, op. cit.

67. Cité dans: Stewart White. The Forty-Niners. New Haven Yale University Press, 1918.

68. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

69. A Quaker Forty-Niner, op. cit.

70. Walter Perkins. Three years in California — Journal of Life at Sonora. University of California Press, Berkeley, 1964.

Глава IV. Малые города

1. Walter Perkins. Three Years in California — Walter Perkins' Journal of Life at Sonora, op. cit.

2. Ibid.

3. Jay Monaghan. Chile, Peru and the California Gold Rush of 1849, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1973.

4. Walter Perkins, op. cit.

5. Ibid.

6. lbid.

7. Ibid.

8. Frank Marryat. Mountains and Molehills, op. cit.

9. Ibid.

10. Ibid.

11. Агуардиенте — водка, полученная из сахара.

12. Walter Perkins, op. cit.

13. Ibid.

14. Ibid.

15. Ibid.

16. Ibid.

17. Franklin A Buck. A Yankee Trader in the Gold Rush, op. cit.

18. Frank Marry at, op. cit.

19. Cité par: Kevin Starr dans Americans and the California Dreams, Oxford University Press, New York, 1973.

20.Walter Perkins, op. cit.

21.Frank Marry at, op. cit.

22.Walter Perkins, op. cit.

23. Bayard Taylor. El Dorado, op. cit.

24. Leonard Kip. California Sketches, op. cit.


26.Pbineas Blunt. Notes of Travel, op. cit.

27.E. Gould Buffum. The Gold Rush, op. cit.

28.Bayard Taylor. El Dorado, op. cit.


30.Edouard Auger. Voyage en Californie, op. cit.

31. Ibid.

32. Franklin A Buck, op. cit.

33. Alta California, July 3, 1853.

34. Isaac Baker. Journals, manuscript, Bancroft Library, Berkeley.

35. Franklin A. Buck, op. cit.

36. California: A Guide to the Golden State, Federal Writers' Project of the W.P.A.

37. Mexican Gold Trail, op. cit.

38. Alonzo Delano's Pen-Knife Sketches, op. cit.

39. Ibid.

40. T. Warwick Brooks. Letters, op. cit.

41. Ibid.

42. M. de Saint-Amant. Voyages en Californie et dans l'Oregon, op. cit.

43. Walter Perkins, op. cit.

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