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22. C. Chiron, I. Jambaque, R. Nabbout, R. Lounes, A. Syrota and O. Dulac, «The Right Brain Hemisphere Is Dominant in Human Infants», Brain 120 (1997): 1057–1065.

23. E. Goldberg, The Wisdom Paradox: How Your Mind Can Grow Stronger as Your Brain Grows Older (New York: Gotham Books, 2005).

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27. J. Goodman, «The Wages of Sinistrality: Handedness, Brain Structure, and Human Capital Accumulation», Journal of Economic Perspectives 28 (2014): 193–212; C. S. Ruebeck, J. E. Harrington, Jr., and R. Moffitt, «Handedness and Earnings», Laterality: Asymmetries of Brain Body and Cognition 12 (2007): 101–120.

28. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Harner, M. Lovell, and S. Riggio, «Cognitive Bias, Functional Cortical Geometry, and the Frontal Lobes: Laterality, Sex, and Handedness», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6 (1994): 274–294.

29. R. Kumar and A. E. Lang, «Coexistence of Tics and Parkinsonism: Evidence for Non-dopaminergic Mechanisms in Tic Pathogenesis», Neurology 49 (1997): 1699–1701.

30. Goldberg, K. Podell, R. Harner, M. Lovell, and S. Riggio, «Cognitive Bias, Functional Cortical Geometry, and the Frontal Lobes: Laterality, Sex, and Handedness», Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 6 (1994): 274–294; K. Podell, «When East Meets West: Systematizing Luria’s Approach to Executive Control Assessment», in Luria’s Legacy in the 21st Century, Eds. A. L. Christensen, E. Goldberg, and D. Bougakov (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009): 122–145.

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32. D. M. Sheppard, J. L. Bradshaw, R. Purcell, and C. Pantelis, «Tourette’s and Comorbid Syndromes: Obsessive Compulsive and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. A Common Etiology?» Clinical Psychology Review 19 (1999): 531–552; R. Rizzom, M. Gulisano, P. V. Cali, and P. Curatolo, «Tourette Syndrome and Comorbid ADHD: Current Pharmacological Treatment Options», European Journal of Paediatric Neurology 17 (2013): 421–428; M. Bloch, M. State, and C. Pittenger, «Recent Advances in Tourette Syndrome», Current Opinion in Neurology 24 (2011): 119–125; R. H. Bitsko, J. R. Holbrook, S. N. Visser, J. W. Mink, S. H. Zinner, R. M. Ghandour, and S. J. Blumberg, «A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011–2012», Journal of Developmental & Behavioral Pediatrics 35 (2014): 317–322; «Tourette Syndrome: Data and Statistics», Centers for Disease Control (2016): http:// ncbddd/ tourette/ data.html.

33. O. W. Sacks, «Tourette’s Syndrome and Creativity», British Medical Journal 305 (1992): 1515–1516.

34. E. Goldberg, «ADHD, Tourette’s and the Fallacy of Fads», Keynote address at International Conference on Neuroethics (ICONE) (Lisbon, Portugal, April 9—10, 2015).

35. F. Lhermitte, B. Pillon, and M. Serdaru, «Human Autonomy and the Frontal Lobes. Part I: Imitation and Utilization Behavior: A Neuropsychological Study of 75 Patients», Annals of Neurology 19 (1986): 326–334; E. Goldberg and L. Costa, «Qualitative Indices in Neuropsychological Assessment: Extension of Luria’s Approach. Executive Deficit Following Prefrontal Lesions», in Neuropsychological Assessment in Neuropsychiatric Disorders, Eds. K. Adams and I. Grant (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009): 48–64; E. Goldberg, The New Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes in a Complex World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).

36. Теперь этого провала нет благодаря моим бывшим студентам и коллегам Энди Лопес-Уильямсу и Шелл Хувик, которые разработали шкалу исследовательского поведения и недавно усовершенствовали ее.

37. E. Goldberg, The New Executive Brain: Frontal Lobes in a Complex World (New York: Oxford University Press, 2009).

38. K. T. Hovik, M. Øie, and E. Goldberg, «Inside the Triple-Decker: Tourette’s Syndrome and Cerebral Hemispheres», Executive Functions in Health and Disease, Ed. E. Goldberg (Cambridge, MA: Academic Press, 2017).

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