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Barrow. «The Scottish Clergy in the War of Independence» // SHR, XLI.

A. Boyle. «The Birthplace of St. Patrick» // SHR, LX.

Cooper T.M. «The Numbers and Distribution of the Population of Medieval Scotland» // SHR, XXVI.

Cowan E.J. «Myth and Identity in Early Medieval Scotland» // SHR, LXIII.

Cowan LB. «The Development of the Parochial System in Medieval Scotland» // SHR, XL.

Cowan. «The Vatican Archives» // SHR, XLVIII.

Dilley J.W. «German Merchants in Scotland»// SHR, XXVII.

Dilley. «Scottish-German Diplomacy, 1297–1324» // SHR, XXXVI.

Donaldson G. «The Pope's Reply to the Scottish Barons in 1320» // SHR, XXIX.

Donaldson. «A Lang Pedigree» // SHR, LXV.

Donnelly I. «The Earliest Scottish Charters?» // SHR, LXVIII.

Drexler M. «The Extant Abridgements of Walter Bower's 'Scotichronicon'«//SHR,LXI.

Duncan A.A.M. «The Acta of Robert I» // SHR, XXXI.

Duncan. «The Community of the Realm of Scotland and Robert Bruce — a Review» // SHR, XLV.

Duncan. «The Early Parliaments of Scotland» // Ibid.

Duncan. «The Earliest Scottish Charters» // SHR, XXXVII.

Edwards J. «The Order of Sempringham and its Connexion with the West of Scotland» // Transactions of the Glasgow Archaeological Society. New Series, vol. V, 1908.

Fisher A. «A Patriot for Whom? Wallace and Bruce — Scotland's Uneasy Heroes» // History Today, vol. 39.

Frame R. «The Bruces in Ireland» // Irish Historical Studies, XIX.

Fraser I.E. «'A Swan from a Raven': William Wallace, Brucean Propaganda and Gesta Annalia II» // SHR, LXXX1, No. 1.

Heredia B.K. «Sir lames Douglas' Death in Spain, 1330» // SHR, LXIX.

Imrie J. «The Modern Scottish Record Office» // SHR, LIII.

Legge M.D. «La Piere d'Escoce» // SHR, XXXVIII.

Lydon J.F. «The Bruce Invasion of Ireland»//Historical Studies, IV.

Lydon. «The Scottish Soldier in Medieval Ireland: The Bruce Invasion and the Galloglass» // The Scottish Soldier Abroad. Ed. G.G. Simpson. Edin. & Maryland, USA, 1992.

MacKerral A. «West Highland Mercenaries in Ireland» // SHR, XXX.

Murray A.L. «The Procedure of the Scottish Exchequer» // SHR, XL.

Neilson G. «Bruce versus Balliol, 1291–1292» // SHR, XVI.

Neville C.J. «The Political Allegiance of the Earls of Strathearn during the War of Independence» // SHR, LXV.

Nicholson R. «The Franco-Scottish and Franco-Norwegian Treaties of 1295» // SHR, XXXVIII.

Nicholson. «The Last Campaign of Robert Bruce» // EHR, LXXVII.

Nicholson. «A Sequel to Edward Bruce's Invasion of Ireland» // SHR, XLII.

Power R. «Magnus Barelegs' Expeditions to the West» // SHR, LXV.

Reid N. «The Kingless Kingdom: The Scottish Guardianships 1286–1306»//SHR, LXI.

Reid W.S. «Scots and the Staple Ordinance of 1313» // Speculum, XXXIV.

Reid. «Trade, Traders and Scottish Independence»// Speculum, XXIX.

Sayles G.O. «The Guardians of Scotland and a Parliament at Rutherglen in 1300» // SHR, XXIV.

Scammell, J. «Robert I and the North of England» // EHR, LXXIII.

Sellar W.D.H. «The Origins and Ancestry of Somerled» // SHR, XLV.

Simpson, G.G. «The Claim of Florence, Count of Holland, to the Scottish Throne, 1290–1292»// SHR, XXXVI.

Simpson. «The Declaration of Arbroath Revitalised» // SHR, LVI.

Simpson. «Why Was John Balliol Called 'Toom Tabard'?«// SHR, XLVII.

Smallwood T.M. «An Unpublished Early Account of Bruce's Murder of Comyn» // SHR, LIV.

Stevenson W.B. «The Monastic Presence in Scottish Burghs in the 12th and 13th centuries» // SHR, LX.

Smyth A.P. // Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy, LXXII.

Stones E.L.G. «The Anglo-Scottish Negotiations of 1327» // SHR, XXX.

Stones. «The Records of the 'Great Cause” of 1291–1292» // SHR, XXXV.

Stones. «The Submission of Robert Bruce to Edward I c. 1301–2» // SHR, XXXIV.

Stones. «An Undelivered Letter from Paris to Scotland» // EHR, LXXX.

Taylor A.J. «English Builders in Scotland during the War of Independence»//SHR, XXXIV.

Topping P. «Harald Maddadson, Earl of Orkney and Caithness» // SHR, LXII.

Watt D.E.R. «Sources for Scottish History of the 14th century in the Archives of the Vatican» // SHR, XXXII.

Woolf A. «Dun Nechtain, Fortriu and the Geography of the Picts» // SHR, LXXXV, No. 2.

Woolf. «Pictish matriliny reconsidered» // Innes Review, vol. 49, no. 2.

Басовская Н.И., Зверева Г.И. «Союз Франции и Шотландии в системе англо-французских противоречий в XII–XV вв.»//CB,№48.

Зверева Г.И. «Проблемы истории Шотландии в «Scottish Historical Review» // Вопросы истории, Ne 8,1984.

Федосов Д.Г. «Арбротская декларация независимости Шотландии 1320 г.» // СВ, № 52.

Федосов. «Геральдика в Шотландии» // СВ, № 54.

Федосов. «Патриотический манифест магнатов Шотландии 1309 г.» // Господствующий класс феодальной Европы. М., 1989.

Федосов. «Парламент Шотландии в борьбе за независимость страны (XIII–XIV вв.)»//Власть и политическая культура в средневековой Европе. Ч. I. M., 1992.


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Black G.F. The Surnames of Scotland. Their Origin, Meaning, and History. Edin., 1996.

The Concise Scots Dictionary. Ed. M. Robinson. Aberdeen, 1985.

Donaldson G. & Morpeth R.S. A Dictionary of Scottish History. Edin., 1977.

Dwelly's Gaelic to English Dictionary. Glasgow, 1977.

An Historical Atlas of Scotland с 400 — с. 1600. Ed. P. McNeill & R. Nicholson. St. Andrews, 1980.

An Historical Geography of Scotland. Ed. G. Whittington & I. Whyte. L. etc., 1983.

Innes T. Scots Heraldry. L. — Edin., 1978.

Moncreiffe I. & Pottinger D. Clan Map. Edin., 1983.

Seaby P. & Purvey P.F. Coins of Scotland, Ireland and the Islands. L., 1984.

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Zaczek I. & Phillips С The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Tartan. Wigston, Leicestershire, 2011.

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