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Kruchenich, A. Our arrival. From the history of Russian futurism / A. Kruchenich. Moscow: RA, 1995. 289 p.

Marc Chagall on Art and Culture / Introduced and annotated by B. Harshav, translated by B. and B. Harshav. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2003. 225 p.

Martinovich, V. Marc Chagall: Vitebsk’s Unwanted son / V. Martinovich // Institute for Human Sciences IWM Post. Vienna, 2015. № 115. P. 20.

Martinovich, V. Mimetic and symbolic in Vitebsk’s myth about Chagall: logoepistemic fragments in autobiographic discourse / V. Martinovich // Collection of articles done by Moscow’s state university / Филологический факультет МГУ имени М. В. Ломоносова. Материалы конференции, состоявшейся в Москве 4–5 декабря 2014 г.

Martinovich, V. Strategies of constructing of Vitebsk’s myth in first Russian translation of Chagall’s autobiographical book Ma Vie / V. Martinovich // Collection of articles of BSU. Minsk, 2014. P. 106–113.

Martinovich, V. What made Vitebsk’s avant-garde: causes that created phenomena / V. Martinovich // Acta Academiae Artium Vilensis. 2007. № 47. P. 2–7.

Meyer, Meret. Biography of Marc Chagall / M. Meyer. New York, 2000.

Shadova, Larissa. Suche und Experiment / Larissa Shadova. Dresden: Verlag der Kunst, 1978.

Wiliams, R. C. Artists in Revolution: Portraits of the Russian Avant-Garde 1905–1925 / R. C. Wiliams. Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1977. 302 р.

Wiliams, R. C. Culture in Exile / R. C. Wiliams. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1972. 179 р.

Yurchak, Alexei. Everything was forever until it was no more: The last Soviet generation / Alexei Yurchak. Princeton University Press, 2006. 331 p.

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