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1. Помните, что вся эта статистика – лишь грубая оценка.

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11. L. E. J. Johnston. 1999. Growing jaws for fun and profit: A modest proposal. In Growth modification: What works, what doesn’t, and why, J. McNamara Jr., ed.: 63–86. Twenty-Fifth Annual Moyers Symposium, vol. 35. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

12. J. R. C. Mew. 2007. Facial changes in identical twins treated by different orthodontic techniques. World Journal of Orthodontics 8: 174–187.

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15. W. Proffit. 1978. Equilibrium theory revisited: factors influencing position of the teeth. Angle Orthodont. 48: 175–185.

16. D. E. Lieberman. 2011. The evolution of the human head. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

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18. R. Little, T. Wallen, and R. Riedel. 1981. Stability and relapse of mandibular anterior alignment: First premolar extraction cases treated by traditional edgewise orthodontics. American Journal of Orthodontics 80: 349–365.

19. J. R. C. Mew. 2007. Facial changes in identical twins treated by different orthodontic techniques. World Journal of Orthodontics 8: 174–187.

20. Д.Р.С. Мью, личная беседа.

21. Саймон Вонг, личная беседа.

22. J. R. C. Mew. 2004b. The postural basis of malocclusion: A philosophical overview. The American Journal of Orthodontics and Dentofacial Orthopedics 126: 729–738.

23. J. R. C. Mew. 2007. Facial changes in identical twins treated by different orthodontic techniques. World Journal of Orthodontics 8: 174–187.

24. Саймон Вонг, личная беседа.

25. Сообщено лично доктором Майклом Мью и одним из его пациентов Сандре.

26. Журнальные статьи по системе приспособлений DNA. Просмотрено 28 октября 2017 по ссылке:; G. Singh, T. Griffin, and R. Chandrashekhar. 2014. Biomimetic oral appliance therapy in adults with mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea. Austin J Sleep Disord 1: 5; W. Harris and G. Singh. 2013. Resolution of «gummy smile» and anterior open bite using the DNA appliance: Case Report. J Amer Orthod Soc: 30–34.

27. L. E. J. Johnston. 1999. Growing jaws for fun and profit: A modest proposal. In Growth modification: What works, what doesn’t, and why, J. McNamara Jr., ed.: 63–86. Twenty-Fifth Annual Moyers Symposium, vol. 35. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan.

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