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Discover Life in America (DLIA). 2012. Fifteen Years of Discovery. Report of DLIA, Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

Hoffmann, M., et al. 2010. The impact of conservation on the status of the world's vertebrates. Science 330 (6010): 1503–1509.

Jeschke, J. M., and D. L. Strayer. 2005. Invasion success of vertebrates in Europe and North America. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 102 (20): 7198–7202.

Reebs, S. 2005. Report card. Natural History 114 (5): 14. [The Endangered Species Act of 1973.]

Rodrigues, A. S. L. 2006. Are global conservation efforts successful? Science 313 (5790): 1051–1052.

Schipper, J., et al. 2008. The status of the world's land and marine mammals: diversity, threat, and knowledge. Science 322 (5899): 225–230.

Stone, R. 2007. Paradise lost, then regained. Science 317 (5835): 193.

Taylor, M. F. J., K. F. Suckling, and J. J. Rachlinski. 2005. The effectiveness of the Endangered Species Act: A quantitative analysis. BioScience 55 (4): 360–367.

11. Божественные создания

Hoose, P. M. 2004. The Race to Save the Lord God Bird (New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux).

12. Неизведанные паутины жизни

Dejean, A., et al. 2010. Arboreal ants use the "Velcro® principle" to capture very large prey. PLoS One 5 (6): e11331.

Dell, H. 2006. To catch a bee. Nature 443 (7108): 158.

Hoover, K., et al. 2011. A gene for an extended phenotype. Science 333 (6048): 1401. [Gypsy moth.]

Hughes, B. B., et al. 2013. Recovery of a top predator mediates negative eutrophic affects on seagrass. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 110 (38): 15313–15318.

Milius, S. 2005. Proxy vampire: Spider eats blood by catching mosquitoes. Science News 168 (16): 246.

Montoya, J. M., S. L. Pimm, and R. V. Sole. 2006. Ecological networks and their fragility. Nature 442 (7100): 259–264.

Moore, P. D. 2005. The roots of stability. Science 4437 (13): 959–961.

Mora, E., et al. 2011. How many species are there on Earth and in the ocean? PLoS Biology 9: e1001127.

Palfrey, J., and U. Gasser. 20i2. Interop: The Promise and Perils of Highly Interconnected Systems (New York: Basic Books).

Seenivasan, R., et al. 204. Picomonas judraskela gen. et sp. nov.: The first identified member of the Picozoa phylum nov., a widespread group of picoeukaryotes, formerly known as 'picobiliphytes.' PLoS One 8 (3): e59565.

Ward, D. M. 2006. A macrobiological perspective on microbial species. Perspective 1: 269–278.

13. Водный мир, где все совсем по-другому

Ash, C., J. Foley, and E. Pennisi. 2008. Lost in microbial space. Science 320 (5879): 1027.

Chang, L., M. Bears, and A. Smith. 20ii. Life on the high seas — the bug Darwin never saw. Antenna 35 (1): 36–42.

Gibbons, S. M., et al. 2013. Evidence for a persistent microbial seed bank throughout the global ocean. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 110 (12): 4651–4655.

McCauley, D. J., et al. 2015. Marine defaunation: Animal loss in the global ocean. Science 347 (6219): 247–254.

McKenna, P. 2006. Woods Hole researcher discovers oceans of life. Boston Globe, August 7.

Pearson, A. 2008. Who lives in the sea floor? Nature 454 (7207): 952–953.

Roussel, E. G., et al. 2008. Extending the sub-sea-floor biosphere. Science 320 (5879):1046.

14. Невидимая империя

Ash, C., J. Foley, and E. Pennisi. 2008. Lost in microbial space. Science 320 (5879): 1027.

Bouman, H. A., et al. 2006. Oceanographic basis of the global surface distribution of Prochlorococcus ecotypes. Science 312 (5775): 918–921.

Burnett, R. M. 2006. More barrels from the viral tree of life. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 103 (1): 3–4.

Chivian, D., et al. 2008. Environmental genomics reveals a single-species ecosystem deep within Earth. Science 322 (5899): 275–278.

Christner, B. C., et al. 2014. A microbial ecosystem beneath the West Antarctic ice sheet. Nature 512 (7514): 310–317.

DeMaere, M. Z., et al. 2013. High level of intergene exchange shapes the evolution of holoarchaea in an isolated Antarctic lake. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 110 (42): 16939–16944.

Fierer, N., and R. B. Jackson. 2006. The diversity and biogeography of soil bacterial communities. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 103 (3): 626–631.

Hugoni, M., et al. 2013. Structure of the rare archaeal biosphere and season dynamics of active ecotypes in surface coastal waters. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences U. S. A. 110 (15): 6004–6009.

Johnson, Z. I., et al. 2006. Niche partitioning among Prochlorococcus ecotypes along ocean-scale environmental gradients. Science 311 (5768): 1737–1740.

Milius, S. 2004. Gutless wonder: new symbiosis lets worm feed on whale bones. Science News 166 (5): 68–69.

Pearson, A. 2008. Who lives in the sea floor? Nature 454 (7207): 952–953.

Seenivasan, R., et al. 2013. Picomonas judraskela gen. et sp. nov.: the first identified member of the Picozoa phylum nov. PLoS One 8 (3): e59565.

Shaw, J. 2007. The undiscovered planet. Harvard Magazine 110 (2): 44–53.

Zhao, Y., et al. 2013. Abundant SAR11 viruses in the ocean. Nature 494 (7437): 357–360.

15. Биосфера: избранное

Перечисленные в этой главе территории были выбраны мной и 18 видными биологами на основе богатого опыта полевых исследований. Следующие ученые приняли участие в отборе: Лиан Алонсо (Leeanne Alonso), Стефан Кавер (Stefan Cover), Сильвия Эрл (Sylvia Earle), Брайан Фишер (Brian Fisher), Эдриан Форсайт (Adrian Forsyth), Роберт Джордж (Robert George), Гарри Грин (Harry Greene), Томас Лавджой (Thomas Lovejoy), Маргарет (Мег) Лоуман (Margaret (Meg) Lowman), Дэвид Мэддисон (David Maddison), Брюс Минс (Bruce Means), Рус Митермайер (Russ Mittermeier), Марк Моффет (Mark Moffett), Пиотр Наскреки (Piotr Naskrecki), Стюарт Пимм (Stuart Pimm), Гиллеан Пранс (Ghillean Prance), Питер Равен (Peter Raven) и Диана Уолл (Diana Wall).

16. Новый взгляд на историю видов

Tewksbury, J. J., et al. 20i4. Natural history's place in science and society. BioScience 64 (4): 300–310.

Wilson, E. O. 2012. The Social Conquest of Earth (New York: W. W. Norton).

Wilson, E. O. 2014. The Meaning of Human Existence (New York: W. W. Norton).


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