Читать книгу "Музыка и мозг - Гейр Ульве Скейе"
Bieleninik, L. et al.: «Effects of improvisational music therapy vs enhanced standard care on symptom severity among children with autism spectrum disorder: the TIME-A randomized clinical trial». Journal of the American Medical Association 2017; 318: 525–535.
Geretsegger, M. et al.: «Music therapy for people with autism spectrum disorder». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2014.
Gjerstad, L., Helseth, E. og Rootwelt, T.: Nevrologi og nevrokirurgi — fra barn til voksen. Forlaget Vett & Viten, 2010.
Guo, X., Ohsawa, C., Suzuki, A. og Sekiyama, K.: «Improved Digit Span in Children after a 6-Week Intervention of Playing a Musical Instrument: An Exploratory Randomized ControlledTrial». Frontiers in Psychology 2018; 8: 2303.
Jackson, N. A.: «A survey of music therapy methods and their role in the treatment of early elementary school children with ADHD». Journal of Music Therapy 2003; 40: 302–323.
Maloy, M. og Peterson, R.: «A meta-analysis of the effectiveness of music interventions for children and adolescents with ADHD». Psychomusicology 2014; 24: 328–339.
Schellenberg, E. G.: «Music lessons enhance IQ». Psychological Science 2004; 15: 511–514.
Ullal-Gupte, S. et al.: «Linking prenatal experience to the emerging musical mind». Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2013; 7: 48.
Музыка и инсульт
Einbu, T.: «Syng ordene der talen ikke strekker til». Torun Einbu, Masteroppgave, Masterprogram i helsefag studieretning logopedi, Institutt for samfunnspsykologi, Universitetet i Bergen, Høst 2006.
Fjærtoft, H. og Indredavik, B.: «Kostnadsvurderinger ved hjerneslag». Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening 2007; 127: 744–777.
Haro-Martinez, A. M., Lubrini, G., Madero-Jarabo, R. et al.: «Melodic intonation therapy in post-stroke nonfluent aphasia: a randomized pilot trial». Clinical Rehabilitation 2018; 30: 269215518794004.
Magee, W. L., Clark, I., Tamplin, J. og Bradt, J.: «Music interventions for acquired brain injury». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 20: CD006787.
Mampe, B., Friederici, A. D., Christophe, A. et al.: «Newborns' cry melody is shaped by their native language». Current Biology 2009; 19: 1994–1997.
Pedersen, P. M., Jørgensen, H. S., Nakayama, H. et al.: «Aphasia in acute stroke: incidence, determinants and recovery». Annals of Neurology 1995; 38: 659–666.
Särkämö, T., Tervaniemi, M. og Laitinen, S.: «Music listening enhances cognitive recovery and mood after middle cerebral artery stroke». Brain 2008; 131: 866–876.
Schlaug, G., Marchina, S. og Norton, A.: «Evidence for plasticity in white-matter tracts of patients with chronic Broca's aphasia undergoing intense intonation-based speech therapy». Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 2009; 1169: 385–394.
Schlaug, G., Norton, A., Marchina, A. et al.: «From singing to speaking: facilitating recovery from nonfluent aphasia». Future Neurology 2010; 5: 657–665.
Scholz, D. S., Rohde, S., Mikmaram, N. et al.: «Sonification of arm movements in stroke rehabilitation — A novel approach in neurologic music therapy». Frontiers in Neurology 2016; 30: 106.
Sihvonen, A. J., Särkämö, T. og Leo, V.: «Music-based interventions in neurological rehabilitation». The Lancet Neurology 2017; 16: 648–660.
Skeie, G. O., Einbu, T. og Aarli, J. A.: «Singing improves word production in two thirds of patients with aphasia». Mansell Bequest symposia. I Neurology of music redigert av Clifford Rose F., Imperial College School of Medicine, Storbritannia, 2010.
Tong, Y., Forreider, B. og Sun, X.: «Music supported therapy (MST) in improving post-stroke patients' upper-limb motor function: a randomised controlled pilot study». Neurological Research 2015; 37: 434–440.
Музыка и психические расстройства
Beck, B. D., Lund, S. T. og Søgaard, U.: «Music therapy versus treatment as usual for refugees diagnosed with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD); study protocol for a randomized controlled trial». Trials 2018; 30: 301.
Beck, B. D. og Mumm, H.: «Forskning i musikterapi — posttraumatisk stressbelastning (PTSD)». Dansk musikterapi 2015; 12: 10–20.
Bradt, J., Dileo, C. og Shim, M.: «Music interventions for preoperative anxiety». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013; 6: CD006908.
Buse, J. og Roessner, V.: «Neural correlates of processing harmony violation expectancy violations in children and adolescents with OCD». Neuroimage: Clinical 2015; 17: 267–273.
Conrad, C.: «Music for healing: from magic to medicine». The Lancet 2010; 11: 1980–1981.
De Jong, P. J., Vorgae, I. og van den Hout, M. A.: «Countercon ditioning in the treatment of spider phobia: Effects on disgust, fear and valence». Behaviour Research and Therapy 2000; 38: 1055–1069.
Erkkilä, J., Punkanen, M. og Fachner, J. et al.: «Individual music therapy for depression: randomised controlled trial». British Journal of Psychiatry 2011; 199: 132–139. Folkehelserapporten «Helsetilstanden i Norge 2018». Folkehelseinstituttet. Rapport 05/2018.
Funayama, T., Furukawa, T. A. og Nakano, Y. et al. «In-situation behaviors among patients with panic disorder: descritptive and correlational study». Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2013; 67: 332–339.
Geretsegger, M., Mössler, K. A. og Bieleninik, Ł. et al.: «Music therapy for people with schizophrenia and schizophrenia-like disorders». Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2017; 29: CD004025.
Gold, C., Solli, H. P., Kruger, V. og Lie, S. A.: «Dose-response relationship in music therapy for people with serious mental disorders: Systematic review and meta-analysis». Clinical Psychology Review 2009; 29: 193–207.
Guu, T. W. og Su, K. P.: «Musical creativity and mood bipolarity in Robert Schumann: A tribute on the 200th anniversary of the composer's birth». Psychiatry and Clinical neurosciences 2011; 65: 113–114.
He, H., Yang, M. og Duan, M. et al.: «Music intervention leads to increased insular connectivity and improved clinical symptoms in schizophrenia». Frontiers in Neuroscience 2018; 23: 744. eCollection 2018.
Mason, O. og Daniels, H.: «Psychotic traits in musicians». Psychology of Medicine 2018; 48: 2096–2097.
Namkung, H., Kim, S. H. og Sawa, A1.: «The insula: an underestimated brain area in clinical neuroscience, psychiatry, and neurology». Trends in Neurosciences 2017; 40: 200–207.
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