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Costa, Rui Miguel, Geoffrey F. Miller, and Stuart Brody. «Women Who Prefer Longer Penises Are More Likely to Have Vaginal Orgasms (but Not Clitoral Orgasms): Implications for an Evolutionary Theory of Vaginal Orgasm». The Journal of Sexual Medicine 9, no. 12 (2012): 3079–3088.

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Wikipedia. «Coital Alignment Technique».

Грубая лесть! Битва 7-дюймовых членов

Awwad, Z., M. Abu-Hijleh, S. Basri, N. Shegam, M. Murshidi, and K. Ajlouni. «Penile Measurements in Normal Adult Jordanians and in Patients with Erectile Dysfunction». International Journal of Impotence Research 17, no. 2 (2005): 191–195.

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Spyropoulos, Evangelos, Dimitrios Borousas, Stamatios Mavrikos, Athanasios Dellis, Michael Bourounis, and Sotirios Athanasiadis. «Size of External Genital Organs and Somatometric Parameters among Physically Normal Men Younger Than 40 Years Old». Urology 60, no. 3 (2002): 485–489.

Wessells, H., T. F. Lue, and J. W. McAninch. «Penile Length in the Flaccid and Erect States: Guidelines for Penile Augmentation». Journal of Urology 156, no. 3 (1996): 995–997.

Большие ноги, большие руки, большой…?

Cobb, John, and Denis Duboule. «Comparative Analysis of Genes Downstream of the Hoxd Cluster in Developing Digits and External Genitalia». Development (Cambridge, England) 132, no. 13 (2005): 3055–3067.

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Siminoski, Kerry, and Jerald Bain. «The Relationships among Height, Penile Length, and Foot Size». Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment 6, no. 3 (1993): 231–235.

Расовый анализ пениса

Lynn, Rushton. «Rushton’s R-K Life History Theory of Race Differences in Penis Length and Circumference Examined in 113 Populations». 261–266. Personality and Individual Differences, 2013.

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Althof, S. E., C. H. Abdo, J. Dean, G. Hackett, M. McCabe, C. G. McMahon, R. C. Rosen, R. Sadovsky, M. Waldinger, E. Becher, G. A. Broderick, J. Buvat, I. Goldstein, A. I. El-Meliegy, F. Giuliano, W. J. Hellstrom, L. Incrocci, E. A. Jannini, K. Park, S. Parish, H. Porst, D. Rowland, R. Segraves, I. Sharlip, C. Simonelli, and H. M. Tan. «International Society for Sexual Medicine’s Guidelines for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Premature Ejaculation». Journal of Sexual Medicine 7, no. 9 (2010): 2947–2969.

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