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Guth, A. H., and P. J. Steinhardt. "The Inflationary Universe." Scientific American, May 1984, 116–28.

Spergel, David N. "The Dark Side of Cosmology: Dark Matter and Dark Energy." Science 347, no. 6226 (2015): 1100–1102.

2. Звезды и элементы

Общая литература

Kirshner, Robert P. "The Earth's Elements." Scientific American, October 19, 1994, 58–65.

Lang, Kenneth R. The Life and Death of Stars. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013.

Young, Erick T. "Cloudy with a Chance of Stars." Scientific American, February 21, 2010, 34–41

Специальная литература

Kaufmann, William J., III. Black Holes and Warped Spacetime. New York: W. H. Freeman, 1979.

Truran, J. W. "Nucleosynthesis." Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science 34, no. 1 (1984): 53–97.

3. Солнечная система и планеты

Общая литература

Elkins‑Tanton, Linda T. The Solar System. 6 vols. New York: Facts on File, 2010.

Lin, Douglas N. C. "Genesis of Planets." Scientific American, May 2008, 50–59.

Lissauer, Jack J. "Planet Formation." Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 31 (1993): 129–74.

Wetherill, George. "Formation of the Earth." Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 18 (1990): 205–56.

Специальная литература

Armitage, Phillip J. Astrophysics of Planet Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.

Canup, Robin M. "Dynamics of Lunar Formation." Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 42 (2004): 44175. doi: 10.1146/annurev.astro.41.082201.113457.

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Levison, H. F., A. Morbidelli, R. Gomes, and D. Backman. "Planet Migration in Planetesimal Disks." In Protostars and Planets V, ed. B. Reipurth, D. Jewitt, and K. Keil, 669–84. Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 2007

4. Континенты и строение Земли

Общая литература

Brown, G. C., and A. E. Mussett. The Inaccessible Earth. London: Chapman & Hall, 1993.

Condie, Kent C. Plate Tectonics and Crustal Evolution.Oxford: Pergamon, 1993. "Our Ever Changing Earth." Special issue, Scientific American 15, no. 2 (2005).

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Vogel, Shawna. Naked Earth: The New Geophysics. New York: Plume, 1996.

Специальная литература

Bercovici, D. "Mantle Convection." In Encyclopedia of Solid Earth Geophysics, ed. H. K. Gupta, 832–851. Dordrecht, Netherlands: Springer, 2011.

Elkins‑Tanton, L. T. "Magma Oceans in the Inner Solar System." Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 40 (2012): 113–39.

England, P., P. Molnar, and F. Richter. "John Perry's Neglected Critique of Kelvin's Age for the Earth: A Missed Opportunity in Geodynamics." GSA Today 17, no. 1 (2007): 4–9.

Glatzmaier, Gary A., and Peter Olson. "Probing the Geodynamo." Scientific American, April 2005, 50–57.

Stacey, F. D. "Kelvin's Age of the Earth Paradox Revisited." Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 105, no. B6 (2000): 13155–58.

5. Океаны и атмосфера

Общая литература

Allègre, Claude J., and Stephen H. Schneider. "The Evolution of the Earth." Scientific American, October 1994, 66–75.

Holland, H. D. The Chemical Evolution of the Atmosphere and Oceans. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1984.

Kasting, J. F. "The Origins of Water on Earth." In "New Light on the Solar System," special issue, Scientific American 13, no. 3 (2003): 28–33.

Специальная литература

Elkins‑Tanton, L. T. "Formation of Early Water Oceans on Rocky Planets." Astrophysics and Space Science 302, no. 2 (2011): 359. doi: 10.1007/s10509‑010‑0535‑3.

Valley, John W. "A Cool Early Earth?" Scientific American, October 2005, 58–65.

6. Климат и пригодность для жизни

Общая литература

Bender, Michael L. Paleoclimate. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2013.

Falkowski, P., R. J. Scholes, E. Boyle, J. Canadell, D. Canfield, J. Elser, N. Gruber, K. Hibbard, P. Högberg, S. Linder, F. T. Mackenzie, B. Moore III, T. Pedersen, Y. Rosenthal, S. Seitzinger, V. Smetacek, and W. Steffen. "The Global Carbon Cycle: A Test of Our Knowledge of Earth as a System." Science 290 (2000): 291–96.

Gonzalez, G., D. Brownlee, and P. D. Ward. "Refuges for Life in a Hostile Universe." Scientific American, October 2001, 60–67.

Kasting, J. F., and D. Catling. "Evolution of a Habitable Planet." Annual Review of Astronomy and Astrophysics 41 (2003): 429–63.

Ward, P. D., and D. Brownlee. Rare Earth: Why Complex Life Is Uncommon in the Universe. New York: Copernicus (Springer‑Verlag), 2000.

Специальная литература

Berner, Robert A. The Phanerozoic Carbon Cycle. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2004.

Berner, R. A., A. C. Lasaga, and R. M. Garrels. "The Carbonate‑Silicate Geochemical Cycle and Its Effect on Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide over the Past 100 Million Years." American Journal of Science 283, no. 7 (1983): 641–83.

Hoffman, Paul F., and Daniel P. Schrag. "Snowball Earth." Scientific American, January 2000, 68–75.

Huybers, P., and C. Langmuir. "Feedback Between Deglaciation, Volcanism, and Atmospheric CO2." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 286, nos. 3–4 (2009): 479–91.

Raymo, M. E., and W. F. Ruddiman. "Tectonic Forcing of Late Cenozoic Climate." Nature 359, no. 6391 (1992): 117–22.

Walker, J., P. Hayes, and J. Kasting. "A Negative Feedback Mechanism for the Long‑Term Stabilization of Earth's Surface Temperature." Journal of Geophysical Research 86 (1981): 9776–82.

7. Жизнь

Общая литература

Clark, W. R. Sex and the Origins of Death. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1996.

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