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12 Интервью в рамках исследования#6-С, стр. 6.

13 «Kroger and Fred Meyer merge to create No. 1 U.S. grocery biz», Discount Store News, МауЗ, 1999, 1.

14 «Trouble Stalks The Aisles At A&P», Business Week, September 23,1991,60.

15 «Pitney Bowes' Pep», Financial World, April 11,1962,22; «No Middle Ground», Forbes, January 1, 1961, 75.

16 Moody's Industrial Manual 2000 (Mergent FIS).

17 «Roy Ash is Having Fun at Addressograph-Multigrief'.Forftwe, February 27,1978,46; „How Roy Ash Got Burned“, Fortune, April 6,1981,71.

18 „Up from the ashes“, Forbes, April 16, 1979,104; „AM International: The cash bind that threatens a turnaround“, Business Week, August 18,1980,118; „Ash Forced Out of Two AM Posts“, The New York Times, February 24,1981, Section D, 1.

19 „Why Ash was ousted at AM International“, Business Week, March 9, 1981, 32; „Roy Ash resigns under fire“, Fortune, March 23,1981,16; „How Roy Ash Got Burned“, Fortune, April 6, 1981, 71; „Up from the ashes“, Forbes, April 16, 1979, 104; „AM files Chapter 11

Petition“, The New York Times, April 15, 1982, Section D, 1.

20 „When technology was not enough“, Business Week, January 25,1982, 62; „How Roy Ash Got Burned“,Fortune, April 6,1981,71;„AM International: The cash bind that threatens a turnaround“, Business Week, August 18,1980,118.

21 „When technology was not enough“, Business Week, January 25, 1982, 62; „AM's Brightest Years Now Dim Memories“, The New York Times, April 15,1982, Section D,l.

22 «How Roy Ash Got Burned», Fortune, April 6,1981,71, «High-technology dream turns into a nightmare», The Financial Times, March 2,1982,17.

23 «AM International: The cash bind that threatens a turnaround», Business Week, August 18, 1980,118; «The Unflappable Roy Ash», Forbes, December 8,1980, 38.

24 «AM International: The cash bind that threatens a turnaround», Business Week, August 18,1980,118; «Ash Forced Out of Two AM Posts» The New York Times, February 24,1981, Section D, 1; «When technology was not enough», Business Week, January 25, 1982, 62.

25 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9-G, стр.12.

26 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9-Е, стр.11.

27 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9-С, стр.17.

28 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9-G, стр.12.

29 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9–1, стр. 21.

30 Интервью в рамках исследования # 9-С, стр.20; #9–1, стр.21–22; #9-D, стр.11.

31 Winston S. Churchill, The Grand Alliance (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1950), 371.

32 Черчилль создал это управление и придал ему огромный вес. Согласно Мартину Джилберту, прежде чем принять то или иное решение, Черчилль часто консультировался со своим Статистическим управлением, которое возглавлял не военный, а профессор Линдемен. Черчилль просил «проверить факты» относительно таких вопросов, как производство обмундирования, импорт и потери при доставке, потери авиации и производство самолетов. Martin Gilbert, The Churchill War Papers, Vol. II (New York: Norton, 1995), xvii.

33 Winston S. Churchill, The Gathering Storm (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, 1948), 667.

31 Интервью в рамках исследования #2-С, стр.16.

35 «Man of Steel: Correnti Hopes to Take Nucor to No. 1», The Business Journal-Charlotte, September 19, 1994, 3.

36 Standard & Poor's Industry Survey Database, Metals: Industrial, Iron and Steel, January 18, 2001, Leo J. Larkin, Metals Analyst.

37 Интервью в рамках исследования #7-С, стр. 13.

38 Интервью в рамках исследования #7-Е, стр. 7; Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Legend oj Nucor (Write Stuff, 1997), 45.

39 Jeffrey L. Rodengen, The Legend of Nucor (Write Stuff, 1997), 39. 40 Интервью в рамках исследования #7-А, стр.3.

41 Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, I'm a Lucky Guy (Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, 1998), 144; Richard Kluger, Ashes to Ashes (Alfred A. Knopf: New York, 1996), 485; «Beverage management: risky — but straight up 7 Up», Forbes, April 12, 1982, 208; «Coke Peppers 7 Up and Pepsi», Advertising Age, February 24, 1986, 2, 86

42 Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, I'm a Lucky Guy (Joseph F. Cullman 3rd, 1998), 147.

41 John Strohmeyer, Crisis in Bethlehem, (Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh Press, 1986), 72–73;«The labors of Trautlein»,Forte, February 15,1981,36; «Bethlehem's Thin Slab Yawn», American Metal Market, November 17, 1989, 4; «Bethlehem Museum», National Public Radio Transcript, July 5,1998.

44 «Upjohn: Safety of Upjohn s Oral Antidiabetic Drug Doubted in Study; Firm Disputes Finding», The Wall Street Journal, May 21, 1970, 6; «Upjohn: A bitter pill for Upjohn shareholders (Drug company involved in antibiotic controversy)», Financial World, January 23,1974,28; «Upjohn: The Upjohn Company: Presentation by R.T. Parfet, Jr., Chairman oi the Board and Chief Executive Officer, and L.C. Hoff, Vice President and General Manager, Pharmaceutical Division, to the Security Analysts of San Francisco, September 11, 1975», The Wall Street Transcript, October 13, 1975, 41648-41650; «Upjohn: Hair-Raising Happenings at Upjohn (Testing a cure for baldness, the company squirms at the unwelcome clamor)», Fortune, April 6,1981,67–69; «Upjohn: PDA Says Upjohn Exaggerated Claims On Drug's Value in Treating Baldness», The Wall Street Journal, June 18,1986,6; «Upjohn: Rip Tide: Can Upjohn manage its way out of a product gap? If not, it could be swept into the industry merger wave», Financial World, September 5,1989,26–28; «Upjohn: The Corporation: Strategies: Will This Formula Cure What Ails Upjohn: As the sharks circle, it's spending big on R&D and marketing», Business Week, September 18, 1989, 65; «Upjohn: Technology & Medicine: Upjohn Sleep Drug Being Investigated For Safety by PDA», The Wall Street Journal, September 20, 1984, B4; «Upjohn: Medicine: Halcion Takes Another Hit: Tainted data played a key role in PDA approval», Newsweek, February 17,1992,58; «Upjohn: Medicine: Fueling the Fire Over Halcion: Upjohn's own staff has raised safety concerns», Newsweek, May 25,1992,84; «Upjohn: Top of the News: Successions: At Upjohn, A Grim Changing of the Guard: Ley Smith inherits the problem-plagued drugmaker at a critical juncture», Business Week, May 3,1993, 36.

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