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81 Chiang Chung-cheng. Soviet Russia in China. New York, 1957. P. 22.

82 Balabanoff A. Impressions of Lenin. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1964. P. 87–88; Idem. My Life as a Rebel. P. 276–277.

83 Scheele G. The Weimar Republic. London, 1946. P. 149.

84 Braunthal J. History of the International. Vol. 2. P. 224; Flechtheim O.K. Die Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands. S. 70–71.

85 Flechtheim O.K. Die Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands. S. 73–75; Braunthal J. History of the International. Vol. 2. P. 226–228.

86 The Communist International. Vol. 1. P. 216.

87 Braunthal J. History of the International. Vol. 2. P. 189.

88 Graubard S. British Labour and the Russian Revolution. 1917–1924. Cambridge, Mass., 1956. P. 147–148, 151–152.

89 Ленин В.И. Полн. собр. соч. Т. 41. С. 38.

90 Lorwin L.L. Labor and Internationalism. P. 202.

91 Lazitch В., Drachkovish M.M. Lenin and the Comintern. P. 216–223.

92 The Impact of the Russian Revolution. 1917–1967. London, 1967. P. 65.

93 Borkenau F. World Communism. P. 192. Ср.: The Impact of the Russian Revolution. P. 106.

94 Borkenau F. World Communism. P. 210.

95 Ibid. P. 205.

96 Balabanoff A. Impressions of Lenin. P. 29.

97 Kendall W. The Revolutionary Movement in Britain. 1900–1921. London, 1969. P. 245–246.

98 Frossard L.-O. De Jaures a Leon Blum. Paris, 1943. P. 140.

99 Shachtman M. Preface. In: Trotsky L. Terrorism and Communism. Ann Arbor, Mich., 1961 P. X.

100 Balabanoff A. Erinnerungen und Erlebnisse. Berlin, 1927. S. 257.

101 Фирсов Ф.И. // Вопросы истории КПСС. 1987. № 10. С. 117.

102 Жизнь национальностей. 1918. № 3. 24 ноября. С. 2—103; Protokoll des Zweiten Welt-Kongresses… S. 137–232.

103 См. также: Carr E.H. The Bolshevik Revolution. 1917–1923. New York, 1953. Vol. 3. P. 251–259.

104 Ленин В.И. Полн. собр. соч. Т. 41. С. 167.

105 Communist International. Vol. l.P. 138–144.

106 Первый съезд народов Востока. Баку, 1–8 сентября 1920 г. Стеногр. отчет. Пг., 1920.

107 Carr E.H. The Bolshevik Revolution, Vol. 3. P. 248.

108 Soviet Treaty Series / Ed. by L.Shapiro. Washington, D.C., 1950. Vol. 1. P. 100–102.

109 Eudin X.J., North R.C. Soviet Russia and the East. 1920–1927. Stanford, 1957. P. 113–116.

110 The Impact of the Russian Revolution. P. 292.

111 Eudin X.J., North R.C. Soviet Russia and the East… P. 95–103; Carr E.H. The Bolshevik Revolution… Vol. 3. P. 242–244, 470.

112 РЦХИДНИ. Ф.2. Оп.2. Д.451.

113 Известия. 1920. № 251. 9 ноября. С. 1–2.

114 Известия. 1922. № 255. 11 ноября. С. 1.

115 Пайпс Р. Русская революция. Ч. 1. С. 144–145.

116 Braunthal J. History of the International. Vol. 2. P. 269.

117 Lyons E. Assignment in Utopia. New York, 1937. P. 70, 94–95.

118 РЦХИДНИ. Ф.2. Оп.2. Д.270.

119 Snowden P. Through Bolshevik Russia. London, 1920.

120 Ibid. P. 114.

121 Ibid. P. 188.

122 British Labour Delegation to Russia. Report. London, [1920]. P. 27.

123 Wells H.G. Russia in the Shadows. London, [1920–1921]. P. 11.

124 Ibid. P. 55, 63.

125 Ibid. P. 90.

126 The Bullitt Mission to Russia: Testimony before the Committee on Foreign Relations, U.S. Senate by William С Bullitt, New York, 1919. О нем см.: Farnsworth В. William С. Bullitt and the Soviet Union. Bloomington, Ind., 1967.

127 The Bullitt Mission… P. 50.

128 Kautsky K. Die Diktatur des Proletariats. 4 Aufl. Wien, 1919. S. 3.

129 Bauer O. Bolshewismus oder Sozialdemokratie? Wien, 1921. S. 69.

130 Graubard S. British Labour and the Russian Revolution. P. 81.

131 Ibid. P. 242–243.

132 Filene P.O. Americans and the Soviet Experiment. 1917–1933. Cambridge,

Mass., 1967. P. 53–54.

133 Ibid. P. 36.

134 Wells H.G. Russia in the Shadows. P. 117.

135 Lansbury G. What I Saw in Russia. London, 1920. P. XIV.

136 Growl J. Angels in Stalin's Paradise. Lanham, Md., 1982. P. 41.

137 Lyons E. Assignment in Utopia. P. 101.

138 Balabanoff A. Impressions of Lenin. P. 105.

139 Lyons E. Assignment in Utopia. P. 67.

140 Sherman A. // Survey. 1962. № 41. April. P. 83.

141 Koestler A. The Invisible Writing. New York, 1954. P. 402.

142 Muggeridge M. Chronicles of Wasted Times: The Green Stick. New York, 1973. P. 272.

143 Koestler A. The Invisible Writing. P. 53.

144 Strong A. I Change Worlds. New York, 1937. P. 90.

145 Caute D. The Fellow-Travellers: Intellectual Friends of Communism. Rev. ed. New Haven—London, 1988. P. 97.

146 Rosenstone R.A. Romantic Revolutionary: A Biography of John Reed. New York, 1981. P. 11–13.

147 Ibid. P. 4.

148 New Republic. 1920. November 17. P. 298.

149 См.: Старцев А. Русские блокноты Джона Рида. М, 1977. С. 25 и далее.

150 The Modern Monthly. 1937. Vol. X. № 3. P. 3.

151 Bryant L. Mirrors of Moscow. New York, 1937. P. 48–49.

152 Steffens L. Letters. Westport, Conn., 1974. Vol. 2. P. 759.

153 Liberman S.I. Building Lenin's Russia. Chicago, 1945. P. 127.

154 Цит. по: Schwarz J.A. The Speculator: Bernard M. Baruch in Washington. 1917–1925. Chapel Hill, N.C., 1981. P. 485.

155 The Times. 1920. February 11. P. 9.

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