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Joan Mitchell: Portrait of an Abstract Painter, directed by Marion Cajori, 1993.

Josephine Little: The Art Crowd, ca. 1940–1950s. Introduction by Inez Whipple at the East Hampton Historical Society, 1985. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

Lee Krasner, interview by Robert Coe, January 25, 1979, videotape courtesy the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center.

Lee Krasner, a Conversation with Hermine Freed, 1973, videotape courtesy the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center.

Lee Krasner, interview by Barbara Novak, WGBH-TV, 1979, for series Prospective Archives of Twentieth Century American Artists, videotape courtesy the Pollock-Krasner House and Study Center.

Lee Krasner: The Long View, by Barbara Rose, 1978. Distributed by American Federation of Arts.

Lee Krasner: An Interview with Kate Horsfield, 1981. Video Data Bank Preservation Project.

Mercedes Matter, interview by Sigmund Koch, 1997, videotapes 1A, 1B, 4A. Aesthetics Research Archive, Boston University Productions.

Nancy Lewis Oral History Interview on Helen Frankenthaler. Interviewed by Mary Marshall Clark, May 26, 2011, Oral History Project, Helen Frankenthaler Foundation Archives, New York.

New York Review of Art, Elaine de Kooning Interview, September 2, 1982. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

New York Review of Art, Elaine de Kooning Show @ Gruenebaum Gallery, produced by Bill King and Connie Fox, October 29, 1982. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, NewYork).

Obscene, A Portrait of Barney Rosset and Grove Press, directed by Neil Ortenberg and Daniel O’Connor, 2007. ArtHouse Film.

Painters Painting: A Candid History of the New York Art Scene, 1940–1970, directed by Emile de Antonio, 1973.

Pollock Painting, by Hans Namuth, 1951, New York.

Rose Slivka on Elaine de Kooning, taped for Memorial Service 1989. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

A Sense of Place: The Artist and the American Landscape, by Alan Gussow, videotape, 1980. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

Shattering Boundaries: Grace Hartigan, director Murray Grigor, 2008.

Summer of ’57, an Artists Alliance panel discussion moderated by Rose Slivka, August 6, 1990. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

Tribute to Elaine de Kooning, presented at the memorial service, host Elaine Benson, 1989. LTV, Inc. (Local Television for the Town of East Hampton, New York).

Книги, статьи, каталоги, диссертации и рукописи

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Рембо А. Одно лето в аду // Стихи. Последние стихотворения. Озарения. Одно лето в аду / пер. М. П. Кудинова. М.: Наука, 1982.

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Троцкий Л. Искусство и революция (из письма в редакцию «Партизан Ревю») // Против Сталина: двенадцать лет оппозиции (статьи, речи и письма Л. Троцкого из «Бюллетеня оппозиции», июль 1929 г. — август 1941 г. URL:

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