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Nichol, John Pringle. Victor Hugo, a Sketch of his Life and Work. London: Swan Sonnenschein & Co.; New York: Macmillan, ‘Dilettante Library’, no. 11, 1893.

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Nodier, Charles. Dictionnaire Raisonné des Onomatopées Françaises. Demonville, 1808. Ed. H. Meschonnic. Mauvezin: Trans-Europ-Repress, 1984.

Nodier, C., see Victor Hugo and Charles Nodier.

North Peat, Anthony B. Gossip from Paris During the Second Empire. Correspondence (1864–1869). Ed. A. R. Waller. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trübner, 1903.

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Oliver, A. Richard. Charles Nodier, Pilot of Romanticism. Syracuse University Press, 1964.

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