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HEISENBERG, Werner. 1989. Encounters with Einstein. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Highfield, Roger, and Paul Carter. 1994. The Private Lives of Albert Einstein. New York: St. Martin’s Press.

Hoffmann, Banesh, with the collaboration of Helen Dukas. 1972. Albert Einstein: Creator and Rebel. New York: Viking.

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Holton, Gerald, and Stephen Brush. 2004. Physics, the Human Adventure. New Brunswick, N. J.: Rutgers University Press.

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HoWARD, Don. 1990a. Einstein and Duhem. Synthese 83: 363–384.

HOWARD, Don. 1990b. Nicht sein kann was nicht sein darf or The Prehistory of EPR, 1909–1935. Einstein’s Early Worries about the Quantum Mechanics of Composite Systems. In ARTHUR MILLER, ed., Sixty-two Years of Uncertainty: Historical,Philosophical, and Physical Inquiries into the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. New York: Plenum, 61-111.

HOWARD, Don. 1993. Was Einstein Really a Realist? Perspectives on Science 1: 204–251.

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HOWARD, Don. 2004. Albert Einstein, Philosophy of Science. Stanford, Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Доступно на сайте einstein-philscience/

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ILLY, Jozsef, ed. 2005, February. Einstein Due Today. Рукопись. (Рукопись любезно предоставлена проектом “Документы Эйнштейна”, Пасадена. В ней содержатся газетные вырезки, относящиеся к визиту Эйнштейна в Америку в 1921 г. Будет опубликовано: Albert Meets America. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.)

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Klein, Martin J. 1970b. The First Phase of the Bohr-Einstein Dialogue. Historical Studies in the Physical Sciences 2: 1-39.

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KRAUSS, Lawrence. 2005. Hiding in the Mirror. New York: Viking.

Levenson, Thomas. 2003. Einstein in Berlin. New York: Bantam Books.

Levy, Steven. 1978. My Search for Einstein’s Brain. New Jersey Monthly, Aug.

Lightman, Alan. 1993. Einstein’s Dreams. New York: Pantheon Books.

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Lightman, Alan, et al. 1975. Problem Book in Relativity and Gravitation. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

MARIANOFF, DlMITRI. 1944. Einstein: An Intimate Study of a Great Man. New York: Doubleday. (Марьянов женился, а затем развелся с Марго Эйнштейн – дочерью второй жены Эйнштейна Эльзы. Появление этой книги Эйнштейн осудил.)

MEHRA, JAGDISH. 1975. The Solvay Conferences on Physics: Aspects of the Development of Physics Since 1911. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.

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