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Глава 17. Конец цивилизации

Aly G., Heim S. Architects of Annihilation: Auschwitz and the Logic of Destruction. London: Weidenfeld, 2002.

Bonhoeffer Dietrich. Letters and Papers from Prison. Published posthumously by SCM Press, 1953.

Faber Book of Reportage / Ed. Carey John. London: Faber, 1987.

Carey John. The Intellectuals and the Masses. London: Faber, 1992.

Carr E. H. The Russian Revolution: From Lenin to Stalin (1917-1929). London: Macmillan, 1979.

Conquest Robert. The Great Terror: A Reassessment. London: Pimlico, 1990.

Conquest Robert. Harvest of Sorrow: Soviet Collectivisation and the Terror‑famine. London: Pimlico, 2002.

Curtis Adam. «The Century of the Self» television series, broadcast on BBC2 beginning 17 March 2002.

Figes Orlando. A People’s Tragedy. London: Pimlico, 1996.

Finley M. J. The Use and Abuse of History. London: Pimlico, 1975.

Freud Sigmund. Civilization and Its Discontents // Penguin Freud Library. London, 1985. Vol. 12.

Hamann Brigitte. Hitler’s Vienna: A Dictator’s Apprenticeship. New York, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1999.

Hobsbawm Eric. The Age of Extremes: The Short Twentieth Century, 1914–1991. London: Michael Joseph, 1994.

Kershaw Ian. Hitler. 2 vols. London: Alien Lane, 2000.

Kravchenko Victor. I Chose Freedom: The Personal and Political Life of a Soviet Official. New York: Scribner, 1946.

Levi Primo. If This Is a Man. London: Orion, 1960.

Levi Primo. The Drowned and the Saved. London: Sphere, 1988.

Luxemburg Rosa. The Russian Revolution / Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1961.

Neiman Susan. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 2002.

Rees Lawrence. The Nazis: A Warning from History. London: BBC, 1997.

Ritter Gerhard. The Sword and the Scepter. 4 vols. London: Alien Lane, 1969–1973.

Roseman Mark. The Villa, the Lake, the Meeting: Wannsee and the Final Solution. London: Alien Lane, 2002.

Solzhenitsyn Aleksandr. The Gulag Archipelago: 1918–1956. New York: Harper and Row, 1973–1976.

Sulloway Frank J. Freud. Biologist of the Mind. New York: Basic Books, 1979.

Zizek Slavoj. The Two Totalitarianisms // London Review of Books. 2005. 27, 6, 17 March.

Глава 18. Послевоенный мир

1001 Movies You Must See Before You Die / Ed. Schneider Steven Jay. Cassell, London, 2003.

Anderson David. Histories of the Hanged: Britain’s Dirty War in Kenya and the End of Empire. Weidenfeld, London, 2005.

Brogan Hugh. History of the USA. 2nd edn. London: Penguin. 1999.

Carroll P. N., Noble D. W. The Free and the Unfree: A New History of the United States, 2nd edn. New York: Penguin, 1988.

Cohn Nik. Awopbopaloobop alopbamboom: Pop from the Beginning. London: Pimlico, 2004.

Evans George. Ask the Fellows Who Cut the Hay. London: Faber,1962,

Historical Dictionary of French 4th and 5th Republics 1946- 1991 / Ed. Northcutt Wayne. New York; London: Greenwood Press, 1992.

MacDonald Ian. Revolution in the Head: The Beatles’ Songs and the Sixties. London: Pimlico, 1995.

Monk Ray. Ludwig Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius. London: Jonathan Cape, 1990.

Paying the Price. Oxford: Oxfam Campaign Report, 2004.

Porch Douglas. Wars of Empire. London: Cassell, 2000.

Rose Barbara American Painting: The Twentieth Century. 2nd edn. London: Macmillan, 1970.

Религиозные сооружения доисторического Запада. Каменные кольца в Эйвбери,

графство Уилтшир (вверху)

и Калланише, о. Льюис (слева);

Силбери–Хшш, графство Уилтшир (внизу)

Священная архитектура и пропорциональность в классическую эпоху Средиземноморья. Греческий храм Цереры, Пестум (вверху); Пантеон в Риме (внизу)

Священная архитектура и природные мотивы в северо- западной Европе.

Западные ворота собора Реймской Богоматери (вверху):

окно под названием «Епископское око». Линкольнский собор (справа):

галерея монастыря Сен–Дени. Париж (справа внизу)

Животный мир в западном искусстве.

Наскальная живопись из пещеры Ляско, департамент Дордонь (вверху),

и Нио, департамент Арьеж (внизу)

Животный мир в западном искусстве.

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