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{22} Weiss N.J. Farewell to the Party of Lincoln: Black Politics in the Age of FDR. Princeton, 1983. P. 299.

{23} The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Vol. VI. P. 4–5.

{24} МНС. Frank Murphy Papers. Box 15. John Dingel to Murphy. November 4, 1936.

{25} LC. John P. Frey Papers. Box 12. Folder: Notes and Memoranda (2).

{26} Ibid. Box 8. Frey to Thomas J. Donnelly. September 12, 1932.

{27} Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Op. cit. P. 76, 77; Rosenzweig R. Radicals and the Jobless: The Musteites and the Unemployed Leagues, 1932–1936 // Labor History. Vol. 16. № 1. 1975. Р. 63, 72.

{28} Historical Statistics of the United States. Colonial Times to 1957. P. 99.

{29} Levinson E. Labor on the March. N.Y., 1956; Zieger R. The CIO, 1935–1955. Chapel Hill, 1995; Cohen E. Making a New Deal. Industrial Workers in Chicago, 1919–1939. Cambr., 1990; Faue E. Community of Suffering and Struggle. Women, Men and Labor Movement in Minneapolis, 1915–1933. Chapel Hill, 1991.

{30} Bernstein I. The Lean Years. A History of the American Worker, 1920–1933. Boston, 1970. P. 148–151; Bernstein I. Turbulent Years. A History of the American Worker, 1933–1941. Boston, 1970. P. 478, 479.

{31} См.: Halpern R. Down on the Killing Floor. Black and White Workers in Chicago’s Packinghouses, 1904–1954. Urbana, 1997; Horowitz R. Negro and White, United and Fight. Social History of Industrial Unionism in Meatpacking, 1900–1930. Urbana, 1997.

{32} Wayne State University. Labor History Archives. H. Kraus Collection. Box 3. To the Offices and Members. United Automobile Workers Federal Labor Unions Affiliated with the AFL.

{33} Bernstein I. The New Deal Collective Bargaining Policy. Berkeley, 1950. P. 143, 144.

{34} Troy L. Trade Union Membership 1897–1962. N.Y., 1965. Appendix 1–27.

{35} Karson M., Radosh R. The American Federation of Labor and the Negro Worker, 1894–1949 // The Negro and the American Labor Movement. Ed. by J. Jacobson. Garden City (N.Y.), 1968. P. 162–170.

{36} Student Outlook. Vol. I. № 4 (March 1933). P. 15.

{37} См.: Labor History. Vol. 40, № 2 (May) 1999. P. 189; McCartin J. Labor’s Great War. Chapel Hill, 1998.

{38} Wayne State University. Labor History Archives. H. Kraus Collection. Box 2. AFL Detroit Office-Manuscript. Organize Efforts of Various Groups in Auto Industry. July, 1934.

{39} De Caux L. Labor Radical: From the Wobblies to the CIO, a Personal History. Boston, 1970.

{40} The CIO’s Left-Led Unions / Ed. by Rosswurm S. New Brunswick, 1992. В результате тщательного исследования американский историк Киран пришел к однозначному выводу: деятельность коммунистов в автомобильной промышленности имела определяющее значение на всех самых трудных этапах становления профсоюза авторабочих – от первых шагов к освобождению созданных на предприятиях рядовыми рабочими профсоюзов из-под гибельной опеки верхушки АФТ до оформления в 1936 г. независимого профсоюза автомобилестроителей. В политическом отношении он сразу же занял свое место на левом фланге профдвижения (Keeran R. The Communist Party and the Auto Workers Unions. Bloomington, 1980).

{41} Workers Alliance, January 1936. Vol. I. № 9. March 1, 1936; Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Op. cit. P. 75.

{42} Walsh R. CIO: Industrial Unionism in Action. N. Y., 1937.

{43} Harris H. Labor’s Civil War. N.Y., 1940. P. 31–32.

{44} Wechsler J. A. Labor Baron. A Portrait of John Lewis. N.Y., 1944. P. 69.

{45} Fine S. Sit-Down. The Great General Motors Strike of 1936–1937. Ann Arbor, 1969. P. 331.

{46} Detroit Free Press. January 7, 1937.

{47} United Automobile Workers. February 13, 1937.

{48} См.: Piven F.F., Cloward R.A. Op. cit. P. 96–180.

{49} Workers Alliance. January 1936. Vol. I. № 9.

{50} Ibid. March 1, 1936.

{51} Ibid. April 1936. Vol. 1. № 13.

{52} См. Halpern R. Organized Labor, Black Workers and the Twentieth Century South. The Emerging Revision // Social History, 19 (1994). P. 372–381.

{53} Wayne State University. Labor History Archives. H. Kraus Collection. Box 11. Hudson News. Vol. 1. № 6. April 10, 1937.

{54} AFL Proceedings, 1932. Р. 374; Ibid. 1933. Р. 152, 453; Ibid. 1935. Р. 290, 773; Brooks R.R. When Labor Organizes. New Haven, 1937. P 301.

{55} Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America, 10th Annual Convention. Proceedings. 1934. P. 396.

{56} WSHSL. AFL Papers. W. Green Papers 1934–1936. Historical File. Box 1.

{57} Labor History. Vol. 17. № 2. 1976. Р. 181.

{58} См.: Сивачев H. В. Политическая борьба в США в середине 30-х годов XX века. M., 1966. С. 211.

{59} См.: Мальков В.Л. «Новый курс» в США. Социальные движения и социальная политика. M., 1973. С. 89.

{60} Committee for Industrial Organization. The Program of the CIO. Wash., 1937. P. 50, 56.

{61} Rosen S.M. The CIO Era, 1935–1955. The Negro and the American Labor Movement. P. 189.

{62} Наджафов Д.Г. Народ США – против войны и фашизма, 1933–1939. M., 1969.

{63} Daily Worker. September 30; October 2, 1933.

{64} Foster W. Z. History of the Communist Party of the United States. N.Y., 1952. P. 379.

{65} Advance. March 1934. P. 3.

{66} Ibid. April 1935. P. 3.

{67} Daily Worker. October 1, 1934.

{68} Fight. August 1937. P. 7, 27.

{69} Ibid. January 1937. Р. 27, 28; March 1937. P. 27; April 1937. P. 27, 28.

{70} Taylor B.H., Witney P. Unionism in the American Society // Labor Law Journal. Vol. 18. № 5. 1967. Р. 301.

{71} Burton R.E. Democrats of Oregon. The Pattern of Minority Politics, 1900–1956. Eugene, 1970. P. 71, 75; Shover J.L. Cornbelt Rebellion. The Farmers’ Holiday Association. Urbana, 1965. P. 96.

{72} Agricultural History. April 1968. P. 127.

{73} McCoy D.R. Angry Voices: Left-of-Center Politics in the New Deal Era. Lawrence (Kansas), 1958. P. 61–85.

{74} Ibid. P. 47, 48.

Глава IV

{1} Вебер А. Избранное: Кризис европейской культуры. СПб., 1999. С. 129.

{2} LC. Louis Freeland Post Papers. Box 1. William J. Brayn to Post. November 12, 1904.

{3} Griffith R. Old Progressives and the Cold War // The Journal of American History. September 1979. P. 336.

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