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24. Documents on American Foreign Relations (Далее: DAFR), V. II, July 1939 — June 1940. — Boston, 1940.

25. DAFR, V. Ill, July 1940 — June 1941. — Boston, 1941.

26. Documents on British Foreign Policy (1919—1939), Third Series, — London, V. II, 1949.

27. Documents of the London Naval Conference 1935. — L., 1936.

28. Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack. Report of the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack..(Далее: Report…) Congress of the Unedited States. Pursuant to S. Con. Res. 27, 79th Congress. — Washington, 1947.

29. Hearings before the Joint Committee on the Investigation of the Pearl Harbor Attack (Далее: IPHA). Congress of the Unedited States, 79th Congress, November 15, 1945 to May 31, 1946. Parts 1—11. Transcripts of Testimony. — Washington, 1947.

30. IPHA. Parts 12—21. Pearl Harbor Liaison Office documents.

31. IPHA. Parts 22—25. Roberts Commission, Desember 22, 1941 to January 23, 1942.

32. IPHA. Part 26. Inquiry by Admiral Thomas Hart, February 12, 1944 to June 15, 1944.

33. IPHA. Parts 27—31. Army Pearl Harbor Board Proceedings, August 7, 1944 to October 6, 1944.

34. IPHA. Parts 32—33. Navy Court of Inquiry, July 24, 1944 to September 27, 1944.

35. IPHA. Part 34. Clarke Proceedings, September 20, 1944 to august 4 1945.

36. IPHA. Part 35. Clausen Proceedings, December 1, 1944 to September 14, 1945.

37. IPHA. Parts 36—38. Hewitt Proceedings, May 14,1945 to July 11, 1945.

38. King E. J. U.S. Navy at War 1941—1945. Official Reports to The Secretary of the Navy. — Washington, United States Navy Department, 1946.

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41. Geneva Conference for the Limitation of Naval Armaments, — London, 1927.

42. Full Text of Report to President on Pearl Harbor Investigation/ /Army and Navy Journal, 31.01.1942

43. Papers Relating to Foreign Policy of the United States (Далее: PRFP), 1922, 1930, 1936. — Washington, 1938—1946.

44. PRFP, Japan 1931—1941, V. MI. — Washington, 1943.

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51. Royal Institute of International Affairs. Survey of International Affairs. — L., 1932—1938.

52. "Statistical Abstract of the U.S.", Washington, 1943

53. The "Magic" Background of Pearl Harbor. — Washington, Vol.1 — IV, 1977.

54. The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt. 1939: War and Neutrality — N.Y., 1941.

55. Treaties and Agreements with and Concerning China 1919— 1929. — Washington, 1929.

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Special Research History (Специальные исторические исследования) Публикации военных архивов США.

58. Friedman W.T. Certain Aspects of «Magic» in the Cryptological Background of the Various Official Investigations Into the Pearl Harbor Attack // Special Research History, National Archives, Modern Military Branch, Military Archives Division (далее: SRH),№125.

59. Safford L. F. A Brief History of Communications Intelligence in the United States // SRH -149.

60. A Brief History of the Radio Security Station Marine Detachment, Peiping, China. 1927—1935. // SRH -178.

61. A Brief History of the Radio Security Station Marine Detachment, Peiping, China. 1924—1929/1935—1940// SRH-179.

62. A Brief History of U.S. Naval Pre-World War II Radio Intelligence Activities in the Philippine Islands[1929—1945] // SRH-180.

63. Oral History Interview with Mr. Robert D. Ogg (May 1983), NA, RG 457, Records of the National Security Agency. // SRH — 255.

64. Safford L. F. History of Radio Intelligence: The Undeclared War. 15 November 1943. // SRH-305.

65. Holtwick J. S. Naval Security Group History to World War II 1916—1938. // SRH-355, V. 1—2.


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84. Churchill W.S. Their Finest Hour. Boston, 1949.

85. Davies J.E. Mission to Moscow. — N.Y., 1943.

86. Dall K.B. My Exploited Father-in-Law. — Tusla, 1967.

87. Grew J.C. Ten Years in Japan. — N.Y., 1944.

88. Grew J.C. Turbulent Era: A Diplomatic Record of Forty Years, 1904—1945, Part II. — Boston, 1952.

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