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27. Jane Wangmann, Different Types of Intimate Partner Violence – An exploration of the literature, Australian Domestic & Family Violence Clearinghouse, October 2011, p. 5.

28. Katherine Gregory, ‘Female domestic violence victims being punished for acting in self-defence, say advocates’, PM, ABC Radio, 6 July 2016.

29. Jane Wangmann, ‘She said…’ ‘He said…’: Cross applications in NSW apprehended domestic violence order proceedings, PhD thesis, Faculty of Law, University of Sydney, 2009.

30. Kathleen J. Ferraro, Neither Angels Nor Demons: Women, crime, and victimization Northeastern University Press, 2006, pp 60.

31. Susan Miller, Victims as Offenders, Rutgers University Press, 2005, p. 78.

32. ‘Campbell, Augustina’ (pseudonym), ‘How Police Policies Allow Domestic Violence Victims to be the Ones Arrested’, blog post at

33. Katherine S. van Wormer, ‘Women’s shelters and domestic violence services save the lives of men’, Psychology Today, December 2010.

34. Michael Kimmel, ‘Gender symmetry in domestic violence’, Violence Against Women, 2002, 8(11).

Глава 8. Экстренный вызов

1. AIHW, Family, Domestic and Sexual Violence in Australia.

2. Brain Injury Australia, The Prevalence of Acquired Brain Injury Among Victims and Perpetrators of Family Violence, Brain Injury Australia, 2018.

3. AIHW, Fam ily, Domestic and Sexual Violence in Australia.

4. Blumer, ‘Australian police’.

5. Safe Steps, Safe Steps Family Violence Response Centre: A Case for Support, 2017.

6. Safe Steps, Annual Report, 2016–17.

7. Safe Steps, Annual Report, 2014–15.

8. Naomi Selvaratnam, ‘Crisis accommodation shortage leaving migrant abuse victims worse off’, SBS News (online), 6 August 2016.

9. Emily Laurence, ‘Housing NSW «re-traumatising» children fleeing violence by using unsafe crisis accommodation, frontline worker claims’, ABC News (online), 4 March 2016.

10. Hannah Neale, ‘Families affected by domestic violence have limited options’, Southern Highland News, 13 March 2019.

11. Shelter SA, Shelter SA Policy Position Snapshot, 2018.

12. Sowaibah Hanifie, ‘Domestic violence crisis housing shortage in South Australia drives victims to sleeping rough in bush’, ABC News (online), 13 June 2018.

13. Council to Homeless Persons, Fact Sheet: Family violence and homelessness, 2015.

14. Emma Partridge, ‘Estranged husband stabbed Leila Alavi 56 times because «she did not obey the rule of marriage»’, The Sydney Morning Herald, 18 August 2016.

15. Case Review 3223, NSW Domestic Violence Death Review Team Report 2015–17.

16. Heather Douglas, Policing domestic and family violence’, International Journal for Crime, Justice and Social Democracy, 2019, 8(2), pp. 31–49.

17. Ibid.

18. Details from the inquest into Kelly Thompson’s death, conducted by the Victorian Coroner, 21 April 2016; Melissa Fyfe, ‘«I fear he may kill me»: how the system failed domestic violence victim Kelly Thompson’, Good Weekend, 4 December 2015.

19. Par. 280, Inquest into Kelly Thompson’s death, conducted by the Victorian Coroner, 21 April 2016.

20. Fenella Souter, ‘How AVOs Are Failing Our Most Vulnerable Women’, Marie Claire, July 2014.

21. M. Segrave, D. Wilson & K. Fitz-Gibbon, ‘Policing Intimate Partner Violence in Victoria (Australia): Examining police attitudes and the potential of specialisation’, Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology, 2016, pp. 1–18.

22. Ibid.

23. Victoria Police, ‘Chief Commissioner Ken Lay speaks at the Royal Women’s Hospital White Ribbon Day Breakfast’, 23 November 2012.

24. Jude McCulloch et al., ‘Finally, police are taking family violence as seriously as terrorism’, The Conversation, 19 December 2017.

25. Victoria Police, Policing Harm, Upholding the Right: The Victoria Police Strategy for Family Violence, Sexual Offences and Child Abuse 2018–2023, 2017.

26. R. B. Felson, J. M. Ackerman & C. A. Gallagher, ‘Police intervention and the repeat of domestic assault’, Criminology, 2005, 43(3), pp. 563–88.

27. Australian Domestic and Family Violence Death Review Network, Data Report 2018, May 2018.

28. Elizaveta Perova & Sarah Reynolds, ‘Women’s police stations and intimate partner violence: Evidence from Brazil’, Social Science & Medicine, December 2016, 174, pp. 188–96.

29. Kerry Carrington et al., The Palgrave Handbook of Criminology and the Global South, Springer, 2018, p. 836.

30. Domestic Violence Law Reform, The Victim’s Voice Survey: Victim’s Experience of Domestic Violence and the Criminal Justice System, Paladin, Sara Charlton Charitable Foundation and Women’s Aid, 2014.

31. Paul McGorrery & Marilyn McMahon, ‘It’s time «coercive control» was made illegal in Australia’, The Conversation, 30 April 2019.

32. Ibid.

Глава 9. Зазеркалье

1. Caroline Overington ‘Child custody: One mother’s bitter lesson in sharing the kids with dad’, The Australian, 10 November 2017.

2. Helen Rhoades, Reg Graycar & Margaret Harrison, ‘The Family Law Reform Act 1995: The first three years’, Australian Family Lawyer: The Journal of the Family Law Section of the Law Council of Australia, 2001, 15(1), pp. 1–8; H. Rhoades, ‘The dangers of shared care legislation: Why Australia needs (yet more) family law reform’, Federal Law Review, 2008, 36(3); R. Field et al., ‘Family reports and family violence in Australian family law proceedings: What do we know?’ Journal of Judicial Administration, 2016, 25(4), pp. 212–36; L. Laing, No Way to Live: Women’s Experiences of negotiating the family law system in the context of domestic violence, New South Wales Health, University of Sydney and Benevolent Society, 2010; D. Bagshaw et al., ‘Family violence and family law in Australia: The experiences and views of children and adults from families who separated post-1995 and post-2006’, Family Matters, 2011, 8, pp. 49–61.

3. Witness statement of Kelsey Lee Hegarty, Royal Commission into Family Violence, August 2015.

4. Rae Kaspiew, ‘Separated parents and the family law system: What does the evidence say?’ Australia Institute of Family Studies, 2016.

5. Ibid.

6. K. Webster et al., Australians’ attitudes to violence against women and gender equality: Findings from the 2017 National Community Attitudes towards Violence against Women Survey (NCAS), Research report, 03/2018, Sydney, NSW: ANROWS, 2018.

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