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645. The Economist Staff, “The Great Chain of Being Sure About Things,” The Economist, October 31, 2015.

646. Olivia Solon: “Americans ‘Evenly Split’ Over Need to Regulate Facebook and Other Big Tech,” The Guardian, November 1, 2017.

647. Geoff Mulgan, “Tesis, Antithesis and Synthesis: A Constructive Direction for Politics and Policy After Brexit and Trump,” Nesta, February 17, 2017.

648. British Election Study team, “Brexit Britain: British Election Study Insights from the Post-EU Referendum Wave of the BES Internet Panel,” British Election Study, June 10, 2016.

649. Shawn Donnan, “ ‘Deaths of Despair’ Surge Among US White Working Class,” Financial Times, March 23, 2017.

650. Edelman, “2017 Edelman Trust Barometer Annual Global Study.”

651. Роб Вийнберг в беседе с авторами, 15 апреля 2016 года.

652. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “How We Turned a World Record in Journalism Crowd-Funding into an Actual Publication,” Medium, November 27, 2013.

653. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “De Correspondent Now Has 50,000 Paying Members,” Medium, January 23, 2017.

654. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “Why We See Journalists As Conversation Leaders and Readers as Expert Contributors,” Medium, April 30, 2014.

655. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “From Councillors to Porn Actresses: Why Readers Can Soon Edit Our Site,” Medium, January 12, 2015.

656. Pfauth, “Why We See Journalists.”

657. Jelmer Mommers, “De Correspondent: A New Kind of Journalism,” The Coral Project, May 3, 2017.

658. Dick Wittenberg and Greta Riemersma, “Seven Things the Dutch Need to Understand About How Refugees Here Feel,” De Correspondent, December 6, 2016.

659. Jelmer Mommers, “Dear Shell Employees: Let’s Talk,” De Correspondent, February 16, 2016.

660. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “How Reader Engagement Helped Unearth the Shell Tape,” Medium, March 6, 2017.

661. Ernst-Jan Pfauth, “Dutch Journalism Platform The Correspondent Reaches Milestone of 40,000 Paying Members,” Medium, December 1, 2015.

662. Claire Richard, “Audrey Tang, Brilliant Programmer, ‘Hacks’ Politics in Taiwan,” Open Culture, October 12, 2015.

663., July 2017.

664. Richard, “Audrey Tang, Brilliant Programmer.”

665. Там же.

666. Там же.

667. Max Rashbrooke, “How Taiwan Is Inoculating Itself Against the Uber ‘Virus,’” CityMetric, February 8, 2017.

668. Там же.

669. Натан Шнейдер в беседе с авторами.

670. Deepti Bhatnagar, Animesh Rathore, Magüi Moreno Torres, and Parameeta Kanungo, “Participatory Budgeting in Brazil,” World Bank Empowerment Case Studies, July 2017.

671. Victoria Boelman, “Félicitations Madame Mayor: Participatory Budgeting in Paris Hits New Highs,” Nesta (blog), October 17, 2016.

672. Wietse Van Ransbeeck, “What Is Citizensourcing?,” CitizenLab, October 20, 2015.

673. Leonard Kish, “The Blockbuster Drug of the Century: An Engaged Patient,” Health Standards, August 28, 2012.

674. GoodSAM, July 2017.

675. Larry Diamond, “It Could Happen Here,” The Atlantic, October 19, 2016.

676. Anthony Cuthbertson, “Reddit Place: The Internet’s Best Experiment Yet,” Newsweek, April 11, 2017.

677. Там же.

678. Там же.

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