Читать книгу "Ричард III и его время. Роковой король эпохи Войн Роз - Елена Браун"
Paston letters / Ed. J.Fenn & A. L. Ramsey. L., 1840.
Plumpton correspondence: a series of letters, chiefly domestic, written in the reigns of Edward IV, Richard III, Henry VII and Henry VIII / Ed. by Stapleton Th. Camden Society. L.: Camden Society, 1839. 687 p.
Political Poems and Songs Relating to English History /Ed. by T. Wright, Vol. 2. L., 1861.
Political Poems of the Reigns of Henry VI and Edward IV /Ed. by F Madden, L., 1862.
Polydore Vergil Anglica Historia (1555 version). /Ed. D.J. Sutton. Irvine, 2005. Liber XXIV–XXV.
Rastell J. The Pastime of People, or the Chronicles of divers Realms / Ed. T.F. Dibden. L., 1811.
Rotuli Parliamentorum /Ed. J Strachey & others. 6 vols. 1767–77. Vols 5–6.
Shakespeare W. Henry VI. Part III / Ed. M. Hattevey. Cambridge, 1993.
Shakespeare W. The Tragedy of Richard the Third. From Mr. William Shakespeares comedies, histories, & tragedies: published according to the true originall copies. L., 1623.
Stonor Letters and Papers 1290–1483 /Ed. by С Carpenter. — Cambrige: Cambridge university press, 1996.
The Arrival, or the History of the Arrival of Edward IV in England and the Finall Recoverie of his Kingdoms from Henry VI // Three chronicles of the reign of Edward IV /With an introd. by R. Dockray. Gloucester: Sutton, 1988. P. 199–233.
The Ballad of Bosworth Field // Bishop Percy's Folio Manuscript. Ballads and Romances, ed. J.W. Hales and F.J. Fumivall. In 3 vols. London, 1868. Vol. III.
The chronicle of the Rebellion in Lincolnshire // Three chronicles of the reign of Edward IV /With an introd. by R. Dockray. Gloucester: Sutton, 1988. P. 136–198.
The Crowland chronicle continuations: 1459–1486 / Ed. by Nicholas Pronay a. John Cox. London: Richard III A Yorkist history trust, Cop. 1986.
The Great Chronicle of London / Ed. A.H. Thomas & J.D. Thornley L., 1938.
The most pleasant song of Lady Bessy. /Ed. Th. Heywood. L., 1829.
The Paston letters /Ed. by John Warrington. Vol. 1–2. L. — N-Y: Dent&Sons, 1956.
The Paston letters 1422–1509 A.D. A new ed. containing upwards of four hundred letters & hitherto unpublished / Ed. by James Gardner. Vol. 1–3. L: Clarendon Press, 1872–75.
The Stonor letters and papers / Ed. Ch. Kingsford. L., 1862.
Warkworth J. A chronicle of the first thirteen years of the reign of king Edward the Fourth by John Warkworth, master of St. Peter's College, Cambridge // Three chronicles of the reign of Edward IV /With an introd. by R. Dockray. Gloucester: Sutton, 1988. P. 8–135.
York Civic Records /Ed. by A Raine, Yorkshire Archaeological Society, Record Series 103,1941.
York House Books 1461–1490 /Ed. by Lorraine C.Attreed, Stroud 1991.
Портреты и другие изображения Ричарда III
Beauchamp Pagent Family Tree (The Pageants of Richard Beauchamp. Earl of Warwick. Reprodused in facsimile from the Cottonian Ms. Julius EIV in the British Museum. Oxford: The Rorburche Club, 1901. P. LV);
The Rouse Roll (British Library, add. ms. 48976);
Salisbury Roll (In the collection of the Duke of Buccleuch & Queensberry, KT).
Portrait of Richard III by unknown artist. С 1516, oil on panel (40 x 28cm). Society of Antiquaries;
Portrait of Richard III by unknown artist. С 1520, oil on canvas (56.5 x 35.6 cm). Royal Collection, London.
Portrait of Edward IV by unknown artist. Late XV century, oil on panel (67.9 x 47.9 cm). Royal Collection, London.
Portrait of King Richard III (с. 1575), oil on panel (42 x 57 cm), unknown artist, Historical Portraits Ltd, Private Collection Philip Mould
Portrait of King Richard III by unknown artist. Mid 16th century, oil on panel, (638 mm x 470 mm). National Portrait Gallery, London (далее NPG) №148.
Portrait of King Richard III by unknown artist. Late 16th century, oil on panel, (570 mm x 448 mm). NPG №4980(12).
Portrait of King Richard III by unknown artist. Late 16th century, oil on panel, (580 mm x 460 mm). Weston Park Foundation, Shrewsbury, England;
Portrait of King Richard III by unknown artist. Late 16th century, oil on panel, (570 mm x 448 mm). NPG №4980(12);
Portrait of King Richard III by unknown artist. С 1675–1700. Oil on panel, (43.70 cm x 32.50 cm), UK, London, Government Art Collection, № 1389
Portrait of King Richard III by Jodocus Hondius. Published 1611, (65 mm x 65 mm), line engraving, NPG, №D21257.
Portrait of King Richard III prob. by Reginald Elstrack. Published 1638, (169 mm x 111 mm), line engraving, NPG, № D21255.
Kings Henry VII & Richard III prob. by William Faithorne. Early 1640s, (105 mm x 141 mm), line engraving, NPG, № D22809.
Portrait of King Richard III by George Vertue. Published 1732, (307 mm x 197 mm), line engraving, NPG, № D23812.
Portrait of King Richard III prob. by John Dixon. Published 1757, (115 mm x 98 mm), line engraving, NPG, № D23813.
Portrait of King Richard III by John Goldar. Late 18th century (24 mm x 192 mm), line engraving, NPG, № D23819).
King Richard III, possibly by Charles Grignion, after George Vertue. Late 18th century, (243 mm x 189 mm), etching, NPG № D23816.
King Richard III, Queen Anne, Edward Prince of Wales, Margaret Countess of Salisbury and Edward Earl ofWarwick. Possibly early 19th century, (310 mm x 492 mm), etching, NPG № D23814.
Richard the III slain at the Battle of Bosworth field by Richard Grey. Line engraving. Published in: Richard III. L.: Paternoster-Row, 1814. P. 67.
Барг М.А. Ричард III сценический и исторический //Новая и новейшая история. 1972. — № 4. — С. 112–119.
Барг М.А. Шекспир и история. — М.: Наука, 1979.
Басовская Н.И. Столетняя война: леопард против лилии. — М.: ACT, 2003.
Браун Е.Д. Представления о королевской власти англичан XV в. (на материале коронации Ричарда III) // Зеркало истории: личность в истории. Сб. статей участников кружка истории древности и Средневековья / РГГУ. — М, 2000. — С. 67–77.
Браун Е.Д. Войны Роз глазами джентри// Конфликты и компромиссы в истории мировых цивилизаций. Сб. статей. — М.: РГГУ, 2009. — С. 423–438.
Браун Е.Д. Создание мифа о Войнах Роз (от Ричарда Йорка до Шекспира) // История. Электронный научно-образовательный журнал / Институт всеобщей истории РАН, Центр истории исторического знания. Вып. 3 (11) 2012. — М.: ИВИ РАН, 2012. ISSN 2079–8784. Режим доступа: http: //mes.igh.ru
Браун Е.Д. Ричард III и «принцы в Тауэре»: рождение легенды // Одиссей. Человек в истории. 2012. — М.: Наука, 2012. — С. 113–138.
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