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79. Zeevi, D., T. Korem, N. Zmora, D. Israeli, D. Rothschild, A.Weinberger, O. Ben-Yacov, D. Lador, T. Avnit-Sagi, M. Lotan-Pompan, J.Suez, J. A. Mahdi, E.Matot, G.Malka, N.Kosower, M.Rein, G. Zilberman-Schapira, L.Dohnalová, M. Pevsner-Fischer, R.Bikovsky, Z.Halpern, E.Elinav, and E.Segal. “Personalized Nutrition by Prediction of Glycemic Responses.” Cell 163, no. 5 (2015): 1079 – 1094.

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