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7. Бенчмаркинг и результаты

1. Interpretation of ideas found in: Drucker, P. F. (1976) ‘What Results Should You Expect? A User’s Guide to MBO’, Public Administration Review, vol. 36:1, pp. 12–19.

2. Taken from: Stern, C. W., Deimler, M. S. (2006) The Boston Consulting Group on Strategy, 2nd ed., Hoboken, John Wiley.

3. Taken from:

4. Taken from: Porter, M. E. (1985) Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, New York, The Free Press. (Портер М. Конкурентное преимущество. Как достичь высокого результата и обеспечить его устойчивость. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2008.)

5. Taken from: Birkigt, K., Stadler, M. M., Funck, H. J. (1986) Corporate Identity, Grundlagen, Funktionen, Fallspielen, Landsberg an Lech, Verlag Moderne Industrie.

6. Interpretation of ideas found in: Hammer, M., Champy, J. (2003) Reengineering the Corporation: A Manifesto for Business Revolution, New York, HarperCollins. (Хаммер М., Чампи Д. Реинжиниринг корпорации. Манифест революции в бизнесе. — М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2011.)

7. Taken from: Kaplan, R. S., Norton, D. P. (1996) The Balanced Scorecard: Translating Strategy into Action, Boston, Harvard Business School Press. (Каплан Р., Нортон Д. Сбалансированная система показателей. От стратегии к действию. — М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2006.)

8. Taken from:

8. Лидерство и коммуникации

1. Taken from: Blake, R. R., Mouton, J. S., Barnes, L. B., Greiner, L. E. (1964) ‘Breakthrough in Organization Development’, Harvard Business Review, 42(6), 133–155.

2. Taken from: Hersey P., Blanchard, K., Johnson, D. E. (2012) Management and Organizational Behavior, 10th ed., Englewood Cliffs, Prentice Hall.

3. Interpretation of ideas found in: Trompenaars, F., Voerman, E. (2009) Servant Leadership Across Cultures, Oxford, Infinite Ideas.

4. Taken from: Kotter, J. P. (2012) Leading Change, Boston, Harvard Business School Press. (Коттер Дж. П. Впереди перемен. — М.: Олимп-Бизнес, 2016.)

5. Taken from: Coombs, W. T., Holladay, S. J. (2012) The Handbook of Crisis Communication, Oxford, Wiley-Blackwell.

6. Taken from: Collins, J. C. (2001) Good to Great: Why some Companies Make the Leap… and Others Don’t, New York, HarperCollins. (Коллинз Дж. От хорошего к великому. Почему одни компании совершают прорыв, а другие нет… — М.: Манн, Иванов и Фербер, 2011.)

7. Taken from: Snowden, D. J., Boone, M. E. (2007) ‘A Leader’s framework of decision making’, Harvard Business Review, November, pp. 69–76.

8. Taken from: Welch, M. (2011) ‘The Evolution of the Employee Engagement Concept: Communication Implications’, Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 16:4, pp. 328–346.

9. Практическое применение

1. Interpretation of ideas found in: Aristotle, Ars Rhetorica ( (Аристотель. Риторика (русскоязычное издание: М., 1978).)

2. Interpretation of ideas found in: Strong, E. K. (1925) ‘Theories of Selling’, Journal of Applied Psychology, vol. 9, pp. 75–86.

3. Taken from: Brigham, E. F., Ehrhardt, M. C. (2013) Financial Management: Theory & Practice, 14th ed., Mason, South-Western / Cengage. (Бригхем Ю. Ф., Эрхардт М. С. Финансовый менеджмент. — СПб.: Питер, 2007.)

4. Interpretation of ideas found in: Jorsini, J. N. (2013) The Essential Deming: Leadership Principles from the Father of Quality, New York, McGraw-Hill.

5. Interpretation of ideas found in: Osborn, A. F. (1963) Applied Imagination: Principles and Procedures of Creative Problem Solving (3rd Ed.), New York, Charles Scribner’s Sons.

6. Interpretation of ideas found in: Leary, T. (1957) Interpersonal Diagnoses of Personality, Oxford, Ronald Press.

7. Interpretation of ideas found in: Koestler, A. (1964) The Act of Creation, London, Hutchinson.

8. Interpretation of ideas found in: Tuckman, B. W. (1965) ‘Developmental Sequence in Small Groups’, Psychological Bulletin, 63:6, pp. 384–399.

9. Interpretation of ideas found in: Bracken, D. W., Timmreck, C. W., Church, A. H. (2001) The Handbook of Multisource Feedback, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass.

10. Interpretation of ideas found in: de Bono, E. (1967) The Use of Lateral Thinking, London, Jonathan Cape; and de Bono, E. (1999) Six Thinking Hats, London, Little, Brown and Company. (де Боно Э. Латеральное мышление. — Минск: Попурри, 2005; де Боно Э. Шесть шляп мышления. — Минск: Попурри, 2006.)

11. Interpretation of ideas found in: Robinson, W. L. (1974) ‘Conscious Competency — The Mark of a Competent Instructor’, The Personnel Journal, 53:7, pp. 538–539.

12. Taken from: Vaughn, R. (1980) ‘How Advertising Works: A Planning Model’, Journal of Advertising Research, 20:5, pp27–33.

13. Taken from: Weihrich, H. (1982) ‘The TOWS Matrix — A Tool for Situational Analysis’, Long Range Planning, 15:2, pp. 54–66.

14. Interpretation of ideas found in: Gutman, J. (1982) ‘A Means-End Chain Model Based on Consumer Categorization Processes’, The Journal of Marketing, 46:2, pp. 60–72.

15. Interpretation of ideas found in: Kolb, D. A. (1983) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development, New Jersey, Pearson Education.

16. Interpretation of ideas found in: Cialdini, R. B. (2009) Influence: Science and Practice (5th Ed.), New York, Pearson Education.

17. Interpretation of ideas found in: Rubin, K. S. (2013) Essential Scrum: A Practical Guide to the Most Popular Agile Process, Upper Saddle River, Pearson.

18. Interpretation of ideas found in: Covey, S. R. (1989) The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, New York, The Free Press. (Кови С. Семь навыков высокоэффективных людей. Мощные инструменты развития личности. — М.: Альпина Паблишер, 2017.)

19. Interpretation of ideas found in: Camp, R. C. (1989) Benchmarking: The Search for Industry Best Practices that Lead to Superior Performance, Milwaukee, ASQC Quality Press.

20. Taken from:

21. Taken from:

22. Taken from: Evers, G. H. M. Verhoeven, C. J. (1999) Human Resources Planning: een integrale benadering van personeelsplanning, Deventer, Kluwer.

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